Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Choose one topic from list Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Choose one topic from list - Essay Example In particular, small businesses in the European Union are characterised with a headcount of only 10-49 employees. Their earnings or balance sheet ranges from â‚ ¬10 million to â‚ ¬49 million. (Europa 2003) On the other hand, in the United States (US), the standards for small businesses set by the Small Business Administration Size Standards Office are rendered more specific. In terms of employment size, small businesses in the mining and manufacturing industries employ less than 500 workers, while those in the wholesale trade industry hire not more than 100 employees. Small enterprises for most retail and services industries in the US post annual receipt of about $6 million. (Small Business Administration 2002) Given the above characteristics, it can be seen that similarities of small businesses generally lie in the small employment size and low volume of sales per year. Small businesses also have limited amount of assets. As such, their capitalisation requirements are not as great and demanding as the financing required by large businesses. Financing for all types of businesses come in several forms. However, sources of funding are classified as either debt or equity. Utilisation of these primary funding sources depends upon the amount of capital required, nature of proposed investment and other terms that materially impact the financial position of businesses. Companies often used debt and equity in combination that would result in the maximisation of the value of the businesses. In order to raise the immediate financing need, owners of small businesses may opt to borrow funds from various sources. The main sources for debt financing include banks and other financial institutions (Lister & Harnish 1995). To defray the day-to-day expenses of their business, small business owners may consider availing of demand loan or utilising lines of credit. Demand loans usually have floating interest rate and are repaid within the year

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Local Area Networks Interconnection

Local Area Networks Interconnection This lab is designed to demonstrate the implementation of switched local area networks. The simulation in this lab will help you examine the performance of different implementations of local area networks connected by switches and hubs. A hub forwards the packet that arrives on any of its inputs on all the outputs regardless of the destination of the packet. Hub has only one collision domain. On the other hand, a switch forwards incoming packets to one or more outputs depending on the destination(s) of the packets. Switches has separate collision domains for each connection. Here we will study how the throughput and collision of packets in a switched network are affected by the configuration of the network and the types of switching devices that are used. Implementation of Network The implementation involves series of steps as follows: We select the network topology as star and edit all the attributes as per the lab manual. The next step is to configure the nodes of the network for setting the traffic generated by each station. The network consists of 16 nodes each of which is connected to a hub by a 10 Base-T Ethernet. The statistics are chosen for the simulation. We select the delay(sec), traffic sent ( packets/sec), traffic received ( packets/sec) and the collision count. The simulation is configured for the time duration of 2 minutes. The next step involves duplicating the scenario in order to have two hubs connected by one switch. Finally, the simulation is run and the results are compared for their performance based on the statistics chosen for simulation. Lab Results: We have experimented with two scenarios i.e. Scenario1: Only hub Scenario2: Two hubs and a switch. The statistics chosen for comparing the above mentioned scenarios are Ethernet Delay (sec) Traffic sent (packets/sec) Traffic received (packets/sec) Collision count. As per the implementation steps followed, we received the following results given below: The two figures given below compares the traffic sent/received(packets/sec) in the two scenarios. The Fig#1 indicates that the average time to send the data packets in a network with a hub or a hub switch is the same or almost identical. The Fig#2 indicates that the average time to receive data packets or the throughput in case of a hub switch network is more than that of a network with only hub. Fig1. Indicates the time average for traffic sent in packets/sec Fig2. Indicates the time average for traffic received in packets/sec The two figures given below compares the collision count and the time delay in the two scenarios. The Fig#3 indicates that the collision count in a hub and switch network is lesser than in an only hub network. The Fig#4 indicates that Ethernet delay in a hub and switch network is lesser than in an only hub network. Fig3. Indicates Ethernet collision count for the two scenarios Fig 4. Indicates Ethernet delay(sec) for the two scenarios. The Fig#5, compares the collision count in both the scenarios i.e. with only Hub and in HubSwitch networks. It shows that the collision count for only Hub is maximum as compared to the collision count for a HubSwitch network. The collision count for the Hub1 and Hub2 in the office network have almost the same collision rate. Thus, it proves that the collision rate reduces in a network with a switch compared to the network with a hub. Thus, the throughput of switched network is greater than only hub networks. Fig 5. Indicates the collision count of the Hub in the Only Hub network and the Hub1 and Hub used in the Hub and Switch network. Question and Answers Q-1 Explain why adding a switch makes the network perform better in terms of throughput and delay. Ans: As per the collision count identified for both the network with only Hub and other with a Hub Switch, the collision count for the Hub1 and Hub 2 in a switched network is much lesser than the Hub1 in the only Hub network. This happens because of the following reasons: As soon as the Hub receives the packets at its input ports, it forwards them to all outputs irrespective of the destination of the packet to be sent. This increases the chances of collision in hubs. Where as, in case of a switched network, the switch can receive the packets at its input ports in parallel, and forwards multiple packets to their destined addresses at the same time. In the lab experiment, there exists two hubs i.e. Hub1 and Hub2 with a switch connecting the two in the middle. Both the hubs receive the packets. The switch acts a a mediator between the two hubs and forwards the packets from one hub to the other with lesser collision. Thus, the switch helps to reduce the collision rate compared to that with a single hub. Hence, this improves the network performance in terms of throughput and delay. Q 2 We analyzed the collision counts of the hubs. Can you analyze the collision count of the à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Switchà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ? Explain your answer. Ans: In the experiment, we have analyzed the collision counts of the hubs in both single and double hubs with a switch networks. From the results obtained from the experiment, it clears tha fact that the collision count using a switch reduces to a greater amount compared to that without a switch. This is due to the fact, that the switch can receive the packets in parallel and buffer the same in case of heavy incoming traffic and also forward the same in parallel to their destined address. Since, there is always a full duplex communication between the switch and the hub, thus the packets exchanged will never collide with each other. Thus, there are hardly any collisions in case of switch. Q 3 Create two new scenarios. The first one is the same as the OnlyHub scenario but replace the hub with a switch. The second new scenario is the same as the HubAndSwitch scenario but replace both hubs with two switches, remove the old switch, and connect the two switches you just added together with a 10BaseT link. Compare the performance of the four scenarios in terms of delay, throughput, and collision count. Analyze the results. Note: To replace a hub with a switch, right-click on the hub and assign ethernet16_switch to its model attribute. Ans: In the first scenario we have duplicated the scenario consisting of only a hub. Thus, the only hub shown in Fig3.1 has been replaced by a switch as shown in Fig3.2. In the second scenario, we have duplicated the network with Hub and a switch as shown in Fig#8. Thus, the two hubs in Fig3.3 have been replaced by two switches and have removed the older switch as shown in Fig3.4. Both the new switches have been connected using a 10 BaseT link. Fig 3.1 N/W configuration with only hub. Fig 3.2: N/W configuration with only switch. Fig 3.3 N/W configuration with two hubs and one switch Fig3.4 N/W configuration with two switches Comparing the Results: The four scenarios which have been compared include the following: (1) Network with only a hub (2) Network with a Switch and a Hub (3) Network with only a switch (4) Network with two switches. In the Fig3.5, the graph compares the Ethernet delay in seconds for all the four scenarios. It shows, that the time delay is maximum for a network with a single hub and least for networks with no hubs but switch(s). Thus, the graph shows that the time delay reduces with the number of switches added in the network The Fig3.6 compares the throughput i.e. the number of packets received per seconds for all the four scenarios. As per the graph, the throughput is almost the same and maximum for the networks consisting of one or two switches. Whereas, the throughput is less with only hub in the network. Thus, the no. of packets received is greater for the networks which are switched based. Fig 3.5 Compares the Ethernet delay in sec for four scenarios. Fig3.6 Compares the traffic received (Throughput) in packets/ sec for the four scenarios. We have not compared the collision count for the four scenarios because the collision count is very less in case of switched networks. Conclusion From this lab experiment we have concluded that the switched networks have better throughput, delay and collisions compared to the network with Hubs. The difficulty faced while performing the experiment was the reading of collision count for the switched network with two hubs and the switch in middle. We faced issues in collecting the combined results of collision for the first two scenarios. But towards the end of the lab experiment, we received good hands on experience on Opnet, and the advantages of having a switched network compared to hubs.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Euthanasia is an Individual Decision :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia is an Individual Decision According to the American Heritage Dictionary, euthanasia is defined as "the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment." Not everyone agrees with this definition. I have always believed that euthanasia was the human choice or nonchoice of ending another person's life because of the excruciating pain they are suffering due to an incurable disease. Some disciplines think that euthanasia should never be an option no matter what the situation. While other disciplines question the validity of the actions of the person helping with the actual euthanasia. Still others support euthanasia in all forms as long as it is performed for the sake of the sufferer. There are three types of euthanasia; voluntary active euthanasia, passive euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. In all cases where euthanasia is used the patient must be suffering from an incurable, fatal disease. Voluntary active euthanasia is a "deliberate intervention" by an individual other than the patient, with the pure intention of termination that patient's life. (Gula, 501) Passive euthanasia takes place when the attending physician decides to discontinue therapy or treatment that would help to keep the patient alive, basically letting the patient die without the benefit of medicine or medical procedures. Finally, physician assisted suicide, or PAS, is where a physician "helps to bring on the patient's death by providing the means to do it or by giving the necessary information on how to do it, but the patient performs the lethal act" (Gula, 501-502). Each of these methods is a form of euthanasia or mercy killing but each is different in the amount of involv ement by the physician. This paper will explore views from various disciplines about all three types of euthanasia. According to the Catholic religion, euthanasia, as well as abortion and contraception, are sins against God and the Church. Pope John Paul Ii wrote and encyclical letter that was issued at the Vatican in March 1995. Pope John Paul II shared his views on the topics of euthanasia, contraception and abortion in this very opinionated statement.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Psycho Or How a Killer is Born in a Hitchcock Film Essay

Film analysis doesn’t require a philosophy of deep thought, but merely requires the participation of the viewer. In films the audience will witness aspects of their own lives played out; the actions, emotions and scenery draw from the viewer their frame of reference. The art of film can be analyzed through specific scenes and the meaning they have in reality. For instance in the cult film Psycho the viewer is placed in third person point of view mainly focusing on the story of Norman Bates. The audience becomes part of the film because of the intrigue the writer, director and actors bring to the screen. The feeling of loss of meaning is very prevalent in the duration of the film; the antics of love, exploit, desire in the viewer and in the end of the film is well orchestrated by the director Alfred Hitchcock. That is the purpose of filmmaking, to begin a story and have the audience become so engrossed in its unfolding that they lose a sense of themselves in proportion to reality and completely step into the film, the character’s triumphs and misdeeds become the audience member’s own guilt, and as the story progresses, the audience forgets their own selves in order to better become part of the caste of characters in the script. The following paper will analyze Psycho as directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock creates his scene through the use of different camera angles. In his other films as well as Psycho, he makes good use of the camera shooting from an aerial vantage point and he uses elements of the scene to be incorporated in the shot (Arnold paragraph three). This is seen in Dial â€Å"M† for Murder in which the camera does an aerial angle from the ceiling and shoots Wendice and Captain Lesley (or Swann) discussing blackmail and the chandelier is used to be incorporated into the scene and it is used in Psycho in which the camera angle depicts Norman Bates and Marion Crane are having a conversation in Bates’ taxidermy room and the camera shoots through the animals from a downward angle in order to create for the scene a sense of foreshadowing. Thus, the animals are a symbol of the emotions of the woman; they foreshadow her death and eventual ownership through her death to Norman Bates. One element that Hitchcock utilizes in this movie is a symbol; the phone. The phone is not only used as a transference of scenes but also as a revealing factor of the character; the characters reveal their true intentions on the phone, their feelings, their desires, and it is with the phone that the plot progresses forward and things about the other characters are revealed to each other, such as Marion’s boyfriend trying to get a hold of her, and the police detective’s phone. Hitchcock uses other things that are of importance, that are part of the scene in his other movies such as windows in The Birds in which the characters can witness the danger going on outside but also have distance from that danger, whether or not that distance is false. Hitchcock uses the mother in Psycho for this revelation to characters and the audience alike in that Bates dresses up as his mother, uses his mother, and her voice in a mis-in-scene in order to persuade characters in believing a lie instead of the truth; the truth being that he dresses up as his dead mother and kills women whom he could potentially have a relationship with, or whom he likes. It is with these elements that the movie audience can have that voyeuristic sense of discovery of the character’s intentions and plot development that Hitchcock creates and progresses the thriller movie genre. The psychosis of the character Norman Bates in Psycho truly takes on the development of a serial killer. There are sub-categories of serial killers: visionary, mission oriented, hedonistic, power oriented, and among these there are organized and disorganized. For each of these types of killers there are certain character dispositions. The visionary types are compelled by voices or visions and are described as being psychotic. They will not choose a victim because the motives are outside of themselves (voices, visions). The mission oriented type kills people because they believe that the victim is unworthy of life; this type is said not to be psychotic. The victim of this type of killer will fulfill a psychological need (as with Norman Bates character, in which he had to kill young women because his desire for them was overruled by his mother’s overbearing personality even in death, and therefore Norman had to keep his mother alive in order to continue to feed his desire for killing what he could not have, and in order to maintain the consistency his life had when his mother was alive and ruling his life by not allowing him to entertain or go out with girls). The hedonistic type kills simply for the high of killing and there are signs of sexual arousal involved with the killing (which could also be part of Norman Bates’ personality type as he killed as his mother for sexual arousal). A comfort killer is a subtype of hedonistic killer and they will kill victims with whom they have some sort of relationship (also as with Norman Bates whose victims were young women who stayed in his hotel). The power oriented killer kills for control, is not psychotic and is obsessed with holding the power of the victim’s life in his/her hands (in Norman’s case however, the killer, him/his mother, killed in order to keep control over Norman’s actions, thus his psychosis could be persuaded by the issue of control but not control over his victims). Usually each of these killers (excepting the comfort killer) will use a hands-on method of killing using weapons in violent fashion (In Norman’s case it was a knife).   Each of these typologies involves either organized or disorganized killings. An organized killer is usually competent, intelligent, targets strangers as victims, uses restraints, and performs sex on their victims. The organized killer will be very aware of their crime and leave no trace or evidence at the scene of the crime (this is what Norman did at the beginning of the film, as is seen in the shower, and his clean up of the scene and dumping the car in the pool/swamp next to the hotel). On the other hand a disorganized killer will often be socially immature, may kill people they know, are often sexually inhibited, live alone and leave the scene of the crime full of fingerprints. (which also described Norman Bates). It would them seem as if Hitchcock created a serial killer in Norman Bates who epitomized every variable of serial killing psychosis; in point of fact, Hitchcock created the supreme serial killer, mixing in different elements of each sub-category into the one character. Spatial mobility is also an area where serial killers differ (as seen with Hitchcock’s keeping his scenes mainly in the hotel, or the Bates’ family home, which is given its own character by the lighting and the silhouette in certain scenes). Among this category there are geographically stable killers and there are geographically transient serial killers. The geographically stable serial killer live in the same area for an extended amount of time and they will kill in that area and dispose of the body somewhere close to home or within the neighborhood (which is what Bates does with his victim’s cars). A geographically transient serial killer will travel constantly, killing from place to place to confuse law enforcement agencies (here is an element of serial killers which Hitchcock does not give to Norman Bates). For, if a killer kills too many people in one area, the agency may believe the killer is from that specific area, and when the killer moves to the next town the same will happen so that there may not be a blatant pattern. As the number of crimes increase the lapse of time or cooling off periods decrease (as is also presented in Psycho). There is a tendency of degeneration of personality and the crime scenes will show a high increase of violence toward the victim (another reason why female serial killers are not believed to be transient killers – too violent of a personality). This is in correlation with the killer thinking that since they’ve done this type of thing before and haven’t been caught then they are in a realm of invincibility. Serial killer studies have been attentive to whether or not a killer is psychotic or that they kill for a type of self-preservation. In the case of Bates, it seems that a lot of his aggression, and violent temperament came from his abusive mother. Psychosis has grounding in the idea of the nurture or nature of a person. Childhood studies bring up issues such as the stages of when a mother is detrimental to the healthiness and mentality of a child and when a father is more apt to be an active participant for that child. The basis for the study is founded on the idea of a person not suddenly waking up one day and deciding to kill (as has been thought in past studies). There is a fundamental concept of socialization involved with such behaviour. The idea behind the killers motive is almost certainly tied to how they perceive their surrounding environment and how they don’t connect on the appropriate level with that society. A Swedish study done conceives of the matter of killers being narcissistic and unable to comprehend society in something other than egocentric terms. A dysfunctional family is used as a frame of reference, and if that childhood is stressful, dangerous, or filled with lack of love, then a certain consequence will occur, be it introversion or to an extreme, the beginnings of becoming a killer, as is seen in Norman Bates. It is through this specific film that the audience becomes a part of the spectacle of the film; through the characterizations, the plot, the point of view, and camera angles, and the development and pathologies of the serial killer Norman Bates each scene in this film aids in the development of the audience becoming immersed in the progression of the film. Each of the elements listed above is an enhancement to the story, and without the use of Hitchcock’s bird’s eye view, and psychosis of the character Norman Bates as shown through the character’s dramatic scenes and off camera mother’s voice to enhance the scene, and the other film techniques used, this movies would not be memorable because the audience member would not be invested in the outcome. Thus, the audience is immersed in how Bates became a serial killer, how he kills, why he kills, and the psychosis behind his killing. The character, the development of the plot, and the lighting and camera angles each add to the psychology of the film Psycho. This film allows for a supreme suspension of disbelief and it is through this that the true Hollywood thriller is found. Bibliography Psycho. Alfred Hitchcock. Anthony Perkins. Janet Leigh. Vera Miles. Shamley Productions. 1960.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Girls Education Essay

It is one the basic necessities to be educated for human, as world is full of competition, where one needs certain amount of skills to survive and be a threat to others. Education gives an insight to the person to differentiate between good and bad. Both men and women are part of our society so we need education for the females as well as for the males. In India despite of all the plans measures, initiatives and tall claims by the government and various voluntary organizations, a vast majority of the girls are yet illiterate in India. During the last four decades since independence, many schools and colleges are founded for girls. Education of girls is one of the basic features of the government plans. The female education is important for the society as mothers are the first teachers of the children. They are the first teachers of the future citizens of the country. It is being increasingly recognized that educated wives and mothers are an asset to a nation. Educated girls are working in banks, private firms, hospitals and government offices and supporting their families as well as contributing to the development of the country. Educated girls have an honored position in society. They have secured their rights from the reluctant men but all this is confined chiefly to the urban areas. Indians are conservative by nature. So, their blind faith and age old superstition stood against the female education. In rural areas most of the people are still against girls’ education. So much needs to be done yet. Special legislation should be enacted to deal with parents who neglect the education of their daughters. There are many villages where schools for girls do not exist. Every village must have a girl’ schools, or if that is not possible owing to lack of funds, parents should be persuaded to admit their daughters to the schools providing co-education. In recent years situation has improved considerably. People have felt the virtue of female education. Now in India we find women professors, lady doctors, lady scientists, lady politicians and lady ministers. Girls should be educated in the interest of our national progress. India is now optimistic in the field of female education. We had the female philosophers like Gargi, in the Vedic age. We had Mirabai, Ahalyabi and Laxmibai in the days of history. They were all learned. Hence, we had a great tradition during the days of our degeneration. Now, we have revived. So, we will certainly revive the female education in India.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Explain the Determinants of Personality Essays

Explain the Determinants of Personality Essays Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Ans. Personality is the outcome of a continuous personal quality development process. The role of personality becomes clear in a particular situation. Personality is recognised in a situation. It is the result of personal quality interaction in a particular condition. The major determinants of personality of an individual are given below: Biological Factors Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be either completely or substantially influenced by who your parents were; that is, by their biological, physiological, and inherent psychological makeup. The contribution of heredity to personality development is vividly clear for developing external appearance, behaviour, social stimuli, self inner awareness, organising traits, etc. Brain: Brain has a great impact on personality. The psychologists are unable to prove empirically the contribution of human brain in influencing personality. Father and children generally adopt the same type of brain stimulation. The differences are caused by environment. Electrical stimulation of brain (ESB) and split brain psychology (SBP)are the outcome of genetic transmision. The are helpful in moulding employees behaviour. ESB is used for motivating employees towards better performances. Managers are trained to use SBP for mobilising employees for proper behaviour. Physical Features: Perhaps the most outstanding factor that contributes to personality is the physical stature of an individual. An individuals external appearance is proved to be having a tremendous effect on personality. For example, the fact that a person is short or tall, fat or thin, handsome or ugly, black or whitish will undoubtedly influence the persons effect on others and in turn will affect the self-concept. A persons physical characteristics may be related to his approach to the social environment, to the expectancies of others, and to their reactions, to him. These in turn may have impact on personality development. Environment Cultural Factors: The accepted norms of social behaviour are known as culture. Culture was traditionally considered as the major determinant of an individuals personality. The way in which people behave with others and the driving force of such functions are considered significant components of culture. The ideology of the culture is imitated by the following generations. The personality attributes of independence, aggression, competition and cooperation are the outcomes of cultural interaction. Religion: Religion plays a significant role in shaping ones personality. Hindus have different personalities from those of Sikhs and Muslims. Children in Hindu societies learn from the very beginning about hard work and god-fearing attitudes. Christians are open, independent, and cooperative. Family: Children learn from their parents, sisters and brothers. amily is the first factor affecting personality development, after hereditary characteristics are endowed. Rich people have different personalities from those of poor. Children nurtured under a warm, loving environment are positive and active as compared to children neglected by their parents. Parental Influences: The positive and negative personalities of children are dependent on their parents characteristics and mutual behaviour. Childr en develop negative personalities if their parents dont have good relationship. Proper parental guidance to children makes them active and efficient. Situation Situation further influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality. A individuals personality, while generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations. Different demands in different situations call forth different aspects of ones personality. It has been observed that many arrogant and indisciplined employees become humble and disciplined in a particular situation. Those having a criminal background may become powerful and strong administrators, dominant politicians, etc.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Internship with and After-School Program

Internship with and After-School Program Free Online Research Papers I interned at Sesame Flyers Bildersee Beacon (SFBB) located at Isaac Bildersee Intermediate School in Brooklyn, New York. It accommodates participants ranging from grades kindergarten through eighth grade. The participants come from different schools. The building is equipped with an auditorium, gymnasium, cafeteria, classrooms, nurse’s office, and bathrooms. There are many after school programs throughout New York City. These programs were established to help working parents. Working parents who could not attend to their children when they are released from school. These after school programs ensure nutritionist meals, homework assistance and extra-curricular activities. You cannot expect to run an after school program unless you are equipped to handle the needs of the students. The staff has to be knowledgeable in several areas. The students’ are relying on the teachers and staff to protect them. The students’ safety and health is the number one priority to SFBB. On September 21, 2009, I started my internship at SFBB. I was excited to intern at SFBB because I work at Isaac Bildersee Intermediate School during the day. My responsibilities included ensuring nutritionist meals were eaten before the start of after school activities. Supervise and implement a structured activity with participants’ grades kindergarten through first. Assistance with homework in all academic subjects. I also implement extra-curricular activities upon completion of their homework. Prior to my first day at work, I was surprised to find that I was feeling anxious. My anxiety was based on a fear that there might be little or no structure, searching for assignments and feeling generally uncomfortable with my new situation. I was nervous because it was something I had never done before. Mrs. Dailey assigned me six students, three boys and three girls, Mikal 5, Kevin 6, Jamal 5, Cassandra 5, Mikaya 5, and Shatera 6. A teacher who has known me for the past five years from working in the same building knew it would be something I could handle. It was an experience that taught me to be open to trying new things. As the intern, I made sure all of my students did art projects, read books, played games, and participated in-group activities. It made the classroom a fun place and kept them interested in learning. The classrooms had desks. I allowed the students to pick where they sat because I wanted them to feel comfortable. â€Å"As the student, it is to your advantage to learn as much as possible about the agency and the way it serves its clientele†, (4th Ed., p 47). I feel that being organized it is easier to juggle the additional roles of being a student and a practicum intern. There is three items that I use in developing organizational skills: a day-by-day calendar, a pocket size notebook, and a daily to-do list. I use my calendar to record all appointments, deadlines, and crucial events. In my notebook, I jot down errands and tasks I need to do as they occur. On my to-do list, I jot what must be done in order for me to accomplish my goals. A typical day started at 3:00pm, I would greet my students and escort them to the cafeteria to eat a nutritionist meal before we go to our assigned classroom. At 4:00, we are in our classroom and doing their homework begins. I assisted with their homework when needed. Each classroom has three adults, eighteen students, and is assigned an activity, which changes on a daily basis. Free time in the gymnasium, African dance in the auditorium, arts and crafts projects, board games, and book read-aloud. My supervisor, Mrs. Donald was helpful to me during my internship. She was always eager to answer all my questions I had. I felt comfortable speaking with her. I knew I could approach her at any time, and she would stop what she was doing to show me I had her full attention. She always treated me as an equal staff member. I learned that being a teacher and supervisor to my students is a lot harder than I thought. I had to make the class fun, interesting and comfortable. My students had no problem voicing their opinions on what they didn’t like. We decided as a group what arts and crafts projects would be done, what books would be read, and what board games would be played. I felt involving the students showed them that their opinions mattered to me. The staff members treated me with respect and kindness. They gave me advice and included my students in projects and parties. They offered me help without me asking for it. We worked well as a team and knew we could count on each other. The students were friendly and happy to welcome me. If I saw them outside of SFBB, they would come up to me to say hello. I looked forward to volunteering each week. It was a wonderful environment to work in because of the staff and the students. I really enjoyed working with the children very much, and of course Mrs. Donald as well. I learned a lot about things like teaching arts and crafts projects, assisting with the homework, and doing the other extra-curricular activities. I think that this type of internship work was very beneficial. I do not regret for one second taking part in this internship. I am very thankful to have been able to do something such as this, and I believe it helped me to narrow my mind in the decisions I will make for my future in college. It was definitely a good start to broadening my horizons. Research Papers on Internship with and After-School ProgramStandardized TestingPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHip-Hop is ArtTrailblazing by Eric AndersonEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesOpen Architechture a white paperThe Spring and AutumnThe Project Managment Office System

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why You Cant Market A Book Youre Not 100% Proud Of An Interview

Why You Cant Market A Book Youre Not 100% Proud Of An Interview "You can’t market a book that you’re not 100% proud of" - An Interview with ex-SS editor Kiele Raymond As the Reedsy marketplace keeps growing and welcoming exceptional designers and editors, we wanted to interview one of our early â€Å"stars†, as her story is one that many East Coast editors can refer to.After five years honing her editorial skills at Simon Schuster and contributing to multiple New York Times bestsellers, Kiele Raymond eventually left traditional publishing to focus on what really matters: great content. As an editorial consultant on the beautiful New Hampshire seacoast, she helps authors fine tune their voice with detailed and constructive criticism, and especially loves working on suspense, historical and contemporary fiction, and memoir with an ethnographic twist.We’ll discuss editing careers, what â€Å"developmental editing† actually means, as well as give advice to starting authors or your editors out there.Hi Kiele, good to have you here. I really like your story because I think it’s one that many of our editors on Reedsy can rela te to: you previously worked in-house for Simon and Schuster and are now freelance and focusing on developmental editing (or editorial assessments). Did you find that this is what you were most skilled at during your time at SS?I’ll always be grateful that my publishing career started at SS because they’ve built such a strong and collaborative community of editors. From the very beginning, I was able to study the craft under the very best in the business. It’s true that the editorial department shoulders a lot of responsibility in traditional publishing. On top of acquiring impactful content and making sure each final manuscript is the best version of itself, they’re constantly advocating for their list when it comes to marketing, publicity, cover design, back cover copy, and sales placement. In fact, most actual editorial work (reading, content and line edits) happens at night or over the weekend. It’s a 24/7 kind of job – some of my very b est friends are still hustling down there in NYC and I could not admire them more.But yes, I think most book editors enter the fray because they are first and foremost passionate about developing great writing. It was certainly always my primary goal to cultivate a keen editorial eye and help authors maximize their potential. Luckily, in my new role as editorial consultant, that’s exactly where my focus lies.Do you think that developmental editing or content editing has surged in prominence since self-publishing has become more popular?Yes – I do think that self-published authors are more and more cognizant of the innumerable benefits of involving a professional. It’s also helpful that it’s getting so much easier to find us. Just a few years ago, first-time authors were hard pressed to find someone who had been in the trenches of traditional publishing. Now there are multiple avenues.I’ve seen several authors in your testimonials mention that your work was almost â€Å"intuitive†. How big is the role of intuition in an editorial consultant’s job, in your opinion? And how could starting editors develop their content editing skills?Well, I do think that a huge part of editing is the ability to listen very carefully to the author’s voice. At the end of the day, it’s their story. If something’s not working, I don’t immediately go for the cut. I figure out what they’re trying to say in that moment and work with them to make sure it has the effect they intended. It’s a little like acting – you need to inhabit the character but also bring your own experience to the table. This is especially important to me when I’m working on memoirs.Advice for future editors? Read voraciously. You can’t become fluent in storytelling if you’re not constantly studying a wide range of material. Like many of my colleagues, I majored in English Literature. It was a great introduction to the literary canon, but by the time I graduated I was woefully behind in all things contemporary. I spent many sleepless nights catching up. Like any industry, if you want to do well in the marketplace you have to know what you’re up against.Are there any differences in working with an independent/hybrid author? Does the absence of a traditional publishing structure change the way you communicate with the author?When it comes to developmental editing, my job remains largely the same. I do everything I can to make the book better. Some manuscripts do need more grunt work than others, but I’ve found that it varies just as much outside of traditional publishing as it does inside. I’ve also been lucky to consistently work with authors that are extremely open to constructive criticism. It’s always gratifying – and often surprising – to see how they incorporate my notes into the next draft.Do you still have contact with agents sin ce you left Simon   Schuster? What do you think the role of agents can be for indie authors?Yes – I also still have very close friends on the agenting side. There’s always a strong bond formed between junior agents and editors as they climb the ladder together. I do know a few agents who make it their business to seek new talent in the self-publishing community. For instance, Sempre is a book I edited at Gallery that was originally an indie bestseller before an agent snapped it up and brought it to us. I think some indie authors still harbor ambitions to see their book sold nationally in print. Agents can help them make that happen.Are there any books in your portfolio that you especially enjoyed working on?An impossible question! I will say there are a few â€Å"firsts† that hold a special place in my heart. Bruce by Peter Ames Carlin and The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan were the first books I worked on that became New York Times bestsellers. It doe sn’t hurt that both authors are great talents and great humans.I also have to give a shout out to my first acquisition – Behind the Gates of Gomorrah by Steve Seager. It’s an unbelievable story. Here’s a feature in the New York Times.In an increasingly competitive publishing landscape, what might your recommendation be for authors deciding on how to divide their budgets between editorial work and marketing?I actually got my start at SS as an intern in the marketing department in 2009 and I still write reading group guides for their book club outreach campaigns. I think both editorial and marketing professionals can wholeheartedly agree that you can’t market a book that you’re not 100% proud of. Luckily, editorial budgets can be fixed. Find an editor you trust, listen to them, and do the hard work. When you’re done, be very honest with yourself about your ideal reader and target those markets. If your book has legs, your audience will do the work for you.When I work on a book, I don’t just improve the writing until it reaches a certain standard of professionalism. I impart any and all knowledge (marketing and other) that will help the author feel equipped to send their book into the world.You are a Reedsy editor:  how important do you think it is for quality freelancers to regroup in curated communities? What is your personal goal in joining them?I think it’s vitally important for authors to have access to professionals they can trust without having to rely on the big five. Organizations like Reedsy and NY Book Editors are doing the work to make those connections by recruiting tried and true editors that are excited to offer support to authors outside the relatively insulated New York network. In turn, I’m able to work with clients that I know are as invested as I am in creating great books.Finally, if you had one word of advice for authors (mainstream, indie, hybrid) in 2015, what would it be?Listen to your editor, but trust yourself. I’ve seen the most elegant solutions come from authors who took my note and then made it their own.Learn more about the differences between  developmental editing,  copy editing and  editorial assessments through these links.What’s been your personal experience with developmental editors? Do you think regrouping in curated communities is important for freelance publishing professionals? Is editing more important than marketing? Do leave us your insights in the comments below!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Operations Management - Essay Example Additionally, this discussion is going to weigh the demerits of various supply chains of the beverage company and the necessary solutions. Furthermore, the paper discusses the importance of quality management and measurement while considering the significance of enterprise processing planning system. Background Coca Cola Company was founded in 1892 and is Beverage Corporation that deals in manufacturing, retailing and marketing of its non-alcoholic products globally (Pendergrast, 2000). These products include Coke, Dasani Nutriwater, Bacardi and Minute Maid among others. Similarly, the company provides its numerous products totaling over 500 brands in over 200 nations with servings exceeding 1.7 billion. Additionally, Coca Cola Company with an employee base of about 139, 600 spread in various parts of the world accrues revenue amounting to $11.809 annually. Besides doing business, this global corporation participates in charity ventures as a gesture of its corporate missions. For ins tance, it offers scholarships to students in America to acquire quality education and become better citizens. Furthermore, the company participates in environmental awareness programs by planting trees and offering support in the reduction HIV/AIDS menace, in Africa. Components The beverage company has six major components that are involved in its supply’s chain. ... In addition, they use Demand Management, which involves balancing the needs of clients in terms of the strength of the supply chain. Alternatively, there is the Return Management tackles the field of returns, gate keeping and reverse logistics among others of the supply chain. Furthermore, there is the Manufacturing Flow Management that assists Coca Cola in evaluating its activities that are paramount in exercising supply flexibility. There is also Customer Service Management (CSM) that works on solving problems that can affect customers directly. Potential Problems and Solutions There are various potential problems that are related to the above components of Coca Cola’s supply chain. For instance, unexpected demands from customers may affect the effectiveness of CRM. Therefore, the company should make their missions and values clear to clients. Additionally, in (SRM), the reduction of stock because of inadequate capital may cause supply problems. This means the company always has sufficient capital to re-stock (Lambert, 2008). On the other hand, in Demand Management, the problem lies constant customer complains because of limited supply. In this case, the company should increase its distribution channels to satisfy its customers. Alternatively, in Return Management, ineffective reports about returns and logistics may cause an imbalance in correct assessment. Therefore, it is imperative for the company to conduct a thorough analysis of its reports. Similarly, in Manufacturing Flow Management, the challenge lies in causing supply inflexibility and the solution is to employ more staff to carry out the supply. Finally, in (CSM), the challenge is when the company fails to attend to all complaints of customers, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Charles Manson and his family murdered several people in California, Essay

Charles Manson and his family murdered several people in California, including pregnant young movie star Sharon Tate. Sinc - Essay Example Sharon Tate’s family has done everything in their power to keep the individuals convicted in the Manson murders behind bars. Their efforts have paid off, even after their deaths. Patti created the Tate Foundation after her mother’s death. After Pattie died, Debra Tate continued the Tate Foundation. Although this group has made major changes in California laws concerning victims’ rights, Mason and his followers still seem to be a more popular story. Charles Manson, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Charles ‘Tex’ Watson were all sentenced to death row. However, when the death penalty was struck down all death sentences were commuted to life. Manson and his followers were given life sentences with the possibility of parole. When Van Houten came up for parole first, Doris Tate was incensed. She petitioned the California legislators to allow victim impact statements. Before this law was passed, victims’ families could not sp eak during a parole heahring. This law that Doris lobbied for gave the victims’ families an opportunity to relate how the crimes impacted their families. While alive, Doris attended every parole hearing for Charles Manson, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Charles ‘Tex’ Watson. As a result all of them are still in jail with the exception of Susan Atkins. Susan Atkins died of cancer.

Describe the characteristics of abusers and analyze the role substance Essay

Describe the characteristics of abusers and analyze the role substance abuse plays in domestic violence - Essay Example Wormer & Thyer (2009) observe that there is a bidirectional relationship between substance abuse and victimization by partners. Studies have shown that substance abuse increases the risk of victimization through various ways â€Å"such as impairing both their judgment and perpetrator’s judgment alike, increasing financial dependency, and exposing women to violent men who also abuse substances† (Wormer & Thyer, 2009, p. 154). The authors also observe that there is a clear reciprocal relationship between substance abuse by women and domestic violence toward women as the latter enhances the likelihood of domestic violence against women. Cefrey, in this respect, purports that â€Å"when drunk or high, substance abusers are more likely to behave aggressively or act in other socially unacceptable ways† (Cefrey, 2008, p. 10). For instance, the case study conducted by researchers such as Woerle, Guerin & Smith on the violence between intimate partners within an arrestee population in Albuquerque, New Mexico clearly demonstrated that most of the domestic violence in the region were preceded by drug or alcohol use and that there existed a intimate partner abuse and high rate of violent interaction between abuser and abused (Woerle, Guerin & Smith, 2002, p. 7). Wilson (2005) also unearths the intimate relationship between substance abuse and domestic violence. Drug abuse and alcohol abuse have been proved to be the most common forms of substance abuse that very often results in unhealthy domestic violence. ... 1). Wormer & Thyer (2009) observe that there is a bidirectional relationship between substance abuse and victimization by partners. Studies have shown that substance abuse increases the risk of victimization through various ways â€Å"such as impairing both their judgment and perpetrator’s judgment alike, increasing financial dependency, and exposing women to violent men who also abuse substances† (Wormer & Thyer, 2009, p. 154). The authors also observe that there is a clear reciprocal relationship between substance abuse by women and domestic violence toward women as the latter enhances the likelihood of domestic violence against women. Cefrey, in this respect, purports that â€Å"when drunk or high, substance abusers are more likely to behave aggressively or act in other socially unacceptable ways† (Cefrey, 2008, p. 10). For instance, the case study conducted by researchers such as Woerle, Guerin & Smith on the violence between intimate partners within an arres tee population in Albuquerque, New Mexico clearly demonstrated that most of the domestic violence in the region were preceded by drug or alcohol use and that there existed a intimate partner abuse and high rate of violent interaction between abuser and abused (Woerle, Guerin & Smith, 2002, p. 7). Wilson (2005) also unearths the intimate relationship between substance abuse and domestic violence. Drug abuse and alcohol abuse have been proved to be the most common forms of substance abuse that very often results in unhealthy domestic violence. Wilson, in this respect, observes that abusive men with severe alcohol problems are more likely indulge in domestic violence with

'If a business wants to maximise profit, it cannot be concerned with Essay

'If a business wants to maximise profit, it cannot be concerned with corporate social responsibility'. Critically discuss th - Essay Example When a business focuses on maximizing profit, they are ignoring their responsibility towards society. Should a business worry about the importance of CSR or that of maximizing profit (Davis 1960)? The paper discusses the fact that it is a business’ social responsibility to maximize profit by ignoring corporate social responsibility. Argument 1 It is the responsibility of the corporate executive to generate as much profit for the business while complying with the fundamental societal rules. CSR has the policies that ensure a business conforms to these rules. Throughout the decades, the theory of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) continues to develop in significance and importance. It has been the subject of considerable debate, commentary, theory building and research. Regardless of the continuing discussions as to what it means and what it entails, it has enhanced and evolved in both practitioner communities and academic globally (Smith 2003). The notion that the responsib ilities of business enterprises to society go past that of profit making for the shareholders has been here for many years. The phenomenon developed after the WW II and failed to take any direction in terms of significance until the 1960s and afterwards (Friedman 1970). So long as the government keeps the laws, corporations will continue to carry out their practices as the law permits them to maximize profit, so in other words, CSR is not the complete responsibility of corporations, but that of the governments. Edwards Freeman created the theory of the  stakeholder, which deals with a person’s values and morals in organization management (Friedman 1970). The  theory of the stockholder states that stockholders increase resources to corporate managers who operate as agents in developing their interests. The main purpose of any organization is to maximize profit. The problem is whether these organizations should have any responsibilities towards society. The function of a co rporation is vital when attempting to comprehend what builds a ‘good’ corporation (Smith 2003). Since the beginning of debates over CSR, critics and supporters have been expressive about the arguments for and against the notion of CSR. There has been expansive discussion about these arguments. Embedded in the discussions for and against the theory of CSR are points made previously, possibly on a gradual basis, supporting the concept. The argument against CSR concept classically  begins with the economic case expressed by the late Friedman (1970). According to Milton Friedman, the only duty of a business is to ensure maximum profit, and not worry about social responsibility. As a libertarian, he believes there is no need to get in the way of another person’s liberty. Milton supports free market and claims most developed capitalists states are, to some degree, welfares. According to him, the main social responsibility of a business is to ensure maximum profit, as long as it follows the rules of society. In short, a corporation should carry out its operations and take part in free and open competition exclusive of any fraud or deception. It is not right for businesses to have any form of social responsibility because most business owners become so in order to make profits. The issue of CSR also asks the question, who is responsible in ensuring the corporation follows CSR policies? Is it any person with power or the owner? Does an individual, as opposed to workers combined have moral duties (Smith 2003)? These are the type of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

HW 5 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HW 5 - Case Study Example Attending a Peace Corp mission in Africa enables one fulfil his or her desire to offer assistance to the needy and charity organisations. However, all may not go well after graduation. For example, being employed by Nipsco will require one dedicate most of his or her time towards the work. This may cause a person lose the touch of friends, and break relationships. In addition, a demotion or reduction in bonus could lower someones morale, and affect his or her financial stability. Furthermore, staying in graduate school will result into reduced services for the students seeking classrooms, especially if they are enrolled under distance learning. Moreover, moving to New Orleans can prove to be stressful, especially if one is employed and lowly paid, making it difficult to pay for bills and cater for other necessities. Spending two years as a Peace Corp may divert ones attention and break contact with friends and relatives as one spends more time away from them. Conclusively, the decisions made after graduation determine ones livelihood and professional interaction, and, thus, it is important to make wise decisions that are less likely to affect an individual

The Rise of Venice during the Renaissance because of Trade and Essay

The Rise of Venice during the Renaissance because of Trade and Shipping - Essay Example (Bernstein, 1998, p. 11) The rise of Venice started with the advent of using land route to Northern Europe, when Venetians started to make money by selling salt, which they used to get by dried seawater and fish for their livelihood. This livelihood gradually took the form of profession when by using trading savvy they began trading up the rivers. "With the rise of Byzantium, east-west trade expanded. With this expansion Venetians promoted as middlemen, selling goods from the East to consumers in the West and ultimately appeared as Merchants. Merchants then ran a profitable triangle by exporting timber from Venice to Egypt, then from Egypt they used to export gold to Byzantium and finally bring luxury goods to Venice. As this went round and round, Venice amassed capital and its mercantile fleet grew to be the biggest in the Mediterranean". (Steves Rick) Most of the Venetians who later engaged in trading or shipping were the citizens of those little cities, which were located on the coast of northwestern Europe. The mediaeval shipmen were not permitted to eat any kind of meat except fish. "For those shipmen who lived away from the coast and from the rivers, this meant a diet of eggs or nothing at all. A new discovery was made when early in the thirteenth century a Dutch fisherman explored a way of catching 'herring', a fish that could be transported to distant points. This created another difficulty for those who tried to earn their livelihood this way as that fish could only be caught during a few months each year so, the ships would have been idle during the rest of the time unless they had found another occupation. They were then used to carry the wheat of northern and central Russia to southern and western Europe. On the return voyage they used to bring spices from India, silks, carpets and Oriental rugs from Venice and Genoa to Bruges and Hamburg and Bremen". (2006c) Venetians started their careers as salt-boilers and fishermen, and were dependent on the mainland for the materials of life. There was no seaport in the neighbourhood to send its vessels for the salt which they prepared: they were forced to fetch everything that they required for themselves. They became seamen by necessity: they almost lived upon the water. As their means improved, and as their wants expanded, they bought fields and pastures on the mainland; they extended their commerce, and made long voyages. They learnt in the dock-yards of Constantinople the art of building tall ships; they conquered the pirates of the Adriatic Sea along with the merchants of Syria, Egypt, Barbary, and Spain. Venice Shipbuilding It was in 1320 that the Arsenal became Venice's premier shipbuilding facility at a time when most of Europe had no manufacturing more efficient than the guild system, the slow and tradition-bound way craftsmen had of passing on skills to their sons or apprentices while monopolizing production and sale of craft pieces in a given region. Arsenal at that time served as the shipbuilding centre as a munitions-making industrial powerhouse that allowed the state of Venice to be a world power

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

HW 5 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HW 5 - Case Study Example Attending a Peace Corp mission in Africa enables one fulfil his or her desire to offer assistance to the needy and charity organisations. However, all may not go well after graduation. For example, being employed by Nipsco will require one dedicate most of his or her time towards the work. This may cause a person lose the touch of friends, and break relationships. In addition, a demotion or reduction in bonus could lower someones morale, and affect his or her financial stability. Furthermore, staying in graduate school will result into reduced services for the students seeking classrooms, especially if they are enrolled under distance learning. Moreover, moving to New Orleans can prove to be stressful, especially if one is employed and lowly paid, making it difficult to pay for bills and cater for other necessities. Spending two years as a Peace Corp may divert ones attention and break contact with friends and relatives as one spends more time away from them. Conclusively, the decisions made after graduation determine ones livelihood and professional interaction, and, thus, it is important to make wise decisions that are less likely to affect an individual

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Brief - Essay Example The types of HRD interventions are classified into individual based, group based and inter group based interventions. The individual based interventions involve counseling, coaching, motivation and mentoring etc. the group based interventions involve group facilitation, virtual teams, conflict management and many others while the inter group based interventions involve third party peacemaking interventions as well as organization mirroring. The main focus is implied on the techno structural intervention. This deals with the restructuring of the entire organization. This restructuring is done with the area of the workload of the total organization by dividing it into several subunits in order for the effectual completion of the tasks. This restructuring can be done on certain major factors which include organization size, technology, worldwide operation, and environment and organization strategy (Sandhu.G et al, 2012). One of the most vital parts of the techno structural intervention is considered to the employee involvement which can be defined as the foundation of skills, power, information, knowledge and finally reward. One of the concluding modules of HRD interventions includes the work design. The work design involves not only the scientific management but also the motivational approach. The involvement of the employees in the process of organizational development is of core importance (Gamerdinger.1997). Without the part played by the employees in the interventions, success is never guaranteed. The impact of the employee involvement on the types of interventions can be made effective by providing them with several learning styles and processes which makes it able to enhance the positive outcome from the employees. Alongside the advantages that the implication of HRD interventions holds, there are certain challenges impacting the professional practice of HRD. These challenges not only affect the HRD

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bus Company JMB: Fare Increase Causes

Bus Company JMB: Fare Increase Causes JMB TRAVEL GRADED UNIT 2 REPORT DEVELOPMENT STAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is about primary and secondary research that was carried out on the bus company JMB. Increase in fares within the company JMB. Looking at the reasons for the increase in fares and the economic implications of this and the advantages that the improvements that the company has been able to make due to the increase in fares and the external factors that have also determined the price increase. The impact this has had on the passengers and exactly what they think about the increase and how it has affected their daily life commuting back and forth to their destinations and to find out what effect this has had on demand for this service. Evaluating the impact this has had on the company and its employees and how this has effected employee motivation within the company and what external factors have affected the company. Looking at the government subsidies that are available to the bus companies and what rules they have in place for a transport company to receive this grant. 1.1 REASONS FOR PRICE INCREASE Investigations have found that when the company first started operating they used an introductory price so customer would use the services, so customer would be able to see what a reliable and flexible bus service they provided. As there was only one other bus competitor running in that area First Buses that only run services to and from Glasgow but didnt have the direct routes that JMB were providing and the reliability that the service would run every 15 minutes from Lanark to Hamilton and returning which made the demand for their service greater than the other bus service run by First Buses. This would be known as price elasticity where the price of fares had risen but demand for the bus services stays the same as there is no direct competitive competition to stop them from implementing there 40% fare increase as they seem to have the biggest percentage of market share in this area. Other reasons for the increase is so they can could run a reliable service for customers in the Lanark to Hamilton route which allowed them to employ more staff to make the company run efficiently as possible. The company spoke of the expansion that is being planned which would allow more child friendly buses to be available for buggy and pram access, wider bus aisles and ramps that can be moved up and down for easy manoeuvring for wheelchairs and prams. School contract service available which would be run on a large scale to help build up their customer base and the company would be able to operate services to a lot of schools within south and north Lanarkshire. Due to the expansion of the company had decided to run bus services in other areas to expand their space in the travel network so that this would bring in more revenue for the company although the company would not allow any revenue figures to be published and management were very specific on this. Luxury coaches have also been introduced that are available for coach trips, private functions and other outings which brings in a great deal of revenue which could lead to further expansion within the Travel network. Revenue figures or any other figures relating to the company was not available. It was seen the actual number of passengers on the gov.scot website published these figures over the past three years seen in (appendix 1) has increased which would allow JMB to consider branching into other areas in Scotland as demand for bus services is on the rise and would enable them to expand their market share in the travel network, which would allow customer to have a preference on who they would want to travel with every day. 1.2 External Factors External factors affecting this price increase is due to the price increase this year because The Scottish Governments flagship concessionary travel scheme for the over 60s and disabled people has run out of money to fund this The Confederation of Passenger Transport UK which is representing 1000 bus and coach firms said fare hikes and cuts in services were on the cards as members could no longer afford the losses (Herald, 2016) which means that the bus companies are going to have to make their contribution towards the concessionary fares for the over 60s and disabled customers. 1.2.1 Congestion Congestion on the roads is a big factor as drivers are not able to reach punctuality targets which could mean Higher operating costs and higher fares Higher in Vehicle times Deteriorating reliability and being punctual to fit with scheduled time tables 1.3 Conclusion Investigations found that the company started with an introductory price of  £2.50 for return tickets from Lanark to Hamilton but in order the company to flourish and extend their market share in the travel industry they had to increase their fares to  £3.50, although the company is flourishing it did need to overcome external factors concerning concessionary fares for over 60s and disabled customers as they now pay into this scheme which also triggered the price increase. Studies also showed that congestion is on the roads is a huge issue on the price increase as this causes higher operating which results in higher fares and cause problems with the service being provided which would cause the company to lose revenue. 2.0 IMPACT ON PASSENGERS A Social Media Survey was carried out with 30 customers in the Lanark to Hamilton area to find out what they felt about the increase in fares and if they still used the services provided by JMB due to increase in price. It was found that a large percentage of customer that used the bus service were not impressed by the increase in fares but still used the services regardless as it was their only reliable means of transport to travel back and forward to their desired destination as mostly every customer commented that rail services are not reliable in these areas so they used the bus services as more of a necessity, where as a small percentage said they used the bus services because it was reliable and friendly. (Appendix 2) illustrates these results. Customer stated that the service that JMB provided was very reliable and the staff were always friendly and on hand to helpful, while other customer said that they pay this amount for fares as it was the only bus service available to them to commute back and forth to work on a day to day basis where as other people used this service for leisure use. As porters five forces suggests see (appendix 3) customers have no other means of getting to their destination as there is no competitive choice in this area. JMB can put prices up as this is their only means of getting to their desired destination because theyre very little choice customers cannot change to another bus company and it seems that now there is not any new entrants in this area in the travel industry. This would suggest that customer that use the JMB services are more than happy to pay the fares as it is there only means of getting to and from their destination with the minimum of time and fuss and because this is a reliable, friendly and well known Travel provider. Although if there was any other means of transport in this area they would consider using it. 2.1 Other factors that determine if customers are receiving good service (1) Public transport needs to be clean and tidy at during operations as it could be a danger to the public health if Health and Safety rules are not adhered to. (2) Making sure that customers perceptions of the service meet their expectations to make sure that the customers completely satisfied with the service being provided. (3) Making sure that bus stops are accessible for customers as you dont want customer having to walk a long distance to the nearest bus stop, the perceived distance that is accessible is a 10 to15 minute walk away from the customers residency or location that the customer might be in at that time. 2.2 Conclusions Conclusions raised were that customer will pay the fare because the train services are not available in this area as it is a necessity to use them but if any other services were to be provided in this area they would probably consider trying a different bus service to commute also other factors such as cleanliness, accessibility and reliability are the key elements that customer look for in a transport services. 3.0 IMPACT ON THE COMPANY A Swot analysis was carried out on JMB to see what its strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats were to the company. It was found that JMB had a lot of strengths as they were a well- known company with a well-known service provided to the public. JMB also have an advantage over their competitors as the journey routes that they operate are different from their competitors as they over a varied selection of bus routes and over a friendly helpful service to their customer. In the two years the company has been operating they have managed to secure different school contracts and have run a luxury coach service for the public for functions and other private events. The introduction of the Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 bus that was introduced in 2016 is this is fuel efficient and has great manoeuvrability that gives customers a luxury driving experience which makes them miles ahead of their competitors. The weaknesses that they have are being able to keep their services running smoothly day to day basis to keep their customers happy as customers are their customers are everything to the company. Being able to keep their fares to a minimum so that customers are not paying too much for the customers will not be able to afford their fares. Opportunities that the company has is they will be able to expand into new areas with the business such as providing services for different areas out with south and north Lanarkshire for example rural areas as they dont have a lot of transport operating in these areas by offering competitive prices so they can phase out their competitors. Threats that may affect them are If new competitors were to run a new bus service in their areas which would affect their business over a better price and service for the public. If the government cut funding that would enable them to run a reliable transport service. 3.1 Employee Motivation As staff are important to JMBs business morale is a big issue in their business because happy workers mean happy customers. Maslow motivational theory as executed in this company as Maslow talks about the five stages of hierarchy of needs these stages include see (appendix 4) for illustration. JMB has implemented this theory because they have provided their staff with good working conditions and a satisfactory salary for all. JMB have also employed more driver to deal with the demand for their bus services and has enough staff to delegate to different journeys and on different services everyday which allows their workers to get the time off for holidays or appointment or any other time they may need off without the minimum of fuss. The company also has good safety elements implemented as the drivers have direct contact with the depot in Wishaw in case there is any emergencies such as buses breaking down or if there was a medical issue with customer or a customer attacking another commuting on the bus or worst case scenario attacking one of the company bus drivers. Staff that work for the company also have works night out on a regular basis where they can bring their partner along to join in and they also have a Christmas party every year at different venues across Scotland. Mostly all the job vacancies within the company are all internal which means if people have the right credentials to apply for jobs they are urged to do so they are promoted for a job well done as one of the staff in the company was recently promoted to inspector for his outstanding contribution and commitment as a bus driver. 3.2 External factors affecting the business 3.2.1 CO2 Emissions A PESTLE analysis was done on the issue of CO2 emissions which outlined Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental impact on the need to reduce CO2 emissions Political The government have set out clear guidelines for these CO2 emissions to be cut which could affect the company as these guidelines put in place need to be adhered to. Economic In 2010 there was an initiative put in place for all bus services called carbon reduction commitment which meant that bus companies had to buy carbon credits which would permit JMB to generate specific qualities of carbon emissions. In 2010 the company had to put in place a budget and set out very clear plans to measure how much CO2 emissions will be produced going forward. Which could affect the company as if they were to produce more emissions than stated in their plan then this could be an expense for the company which means it may lead to an increase in fares for customers. Sociological If the company does not abide by the guide lines, then the public could lose all expectations of the company at what it stands for. Technological The company may have to get another system built into the buses so they can monitor the CO2 emissions so they know what is being used every day. Legal If the company do not commit to the initiative to reduce emission they may find themselves with a hefty fine or worst case scenario they could lose grant which means they wouldnt be able to operate their business to its full potential. Environmental CO2 emissions are dangerous to the environment and the planet and is one of the biggest problems causing greenhouse gas that is destroying our planet today. 3.3 Steps JMB are taking to comply with the emissions initiative As CO2 emissions are a short and long term problem for JMB and have put in place a plan to reduce these emissions by 2020 from 25% to 20% and the introduction of the envir0 200 bus which would give them a clearer advantage over the competition. 3.4 Conclusion Although a SWOT was performed the results were positive on the company as the company has grown from strength to strength over the last 2 years as it is now able to provide transport to other areas in the North and South Lanarkshire area which has created more jobs for the population of North and South Lanarkshire which has made them able to strengthen the economy by creating jobs such as bus drivers, school escorts and other depot staff. The way the company is fair to their staff and give them the motivation to perform their jobs daily to a high standard that benefits their customers. Other aspects JMB are how user friendly the buses are to the environment because of fuel emission that could be a danger to the environment and could have legal implications if this was not rectified and the guidelines for emissions set by the government followed in the best interests of the company. 4.0 GOVERNMENT SUBSIDES Government subsidies are the main source of funding for JMB Travels business as they receive a (BSOG) Bus Services Operators Grant Scheme this is a discretionary grant paid under section 38 of The Transport Scotland Act 2001 which is regulated by the (DFT) Department for Transport to get this you need to adhere to certain terms and conditions. These conditions include the company needs to maintain adequate records of the mileage and distances that the bus service runs on a day to day basis. Checks are also performed by Transport Scotland to see that all the necessary requirements under the Transport Scotland Act have been fulfilled. DFT provide these grants to keep customers fares to a minimum and the distances the bus services to travel. This (BSOG) is applied for every year and consists of 4 quarterly payments that are paid directly into the company bank account. JMB also receive money from the government for their school contracts which has a great impact on their business and brings in a great deal of revenue. 4.1 Reforms to the (BSOG) Reforming the (BSOG) will create better incentives for local authorities and bus operators to work with one another to provide a better service for commuters and help with keeping the environment safe to provide value. Investing in fuel efficient buses to improve services for customers and to minimise regulatory burdens and reduce the cost of administration. Although these reforms to this policy are in place it will impact in different ways as no measure will completely deliver the objectives highlighted in this reform. Even though the objectives highlighted in this reform will ensure improvement in the value from the bus subsidy thats paid to the company every year. 4.2 Conclusion Investigations show that government subsidies are the main source of funding and keeping to the terms and conditions set for the public transport sector are followed then they will be able to continue receiving this grant and can provide the best service expected of them by their customers. Reforms that have been put in place by (BSOG) are going to benefit the operation of the service because as well as providing a good service to customers they will be able to see that JMB cares about what happens to our planet. APPENDIX Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Porters 5 Forces   Ã‚   BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13052185.Bus_fares_going_up_to_pay_for_free_OAP_travel/ http://www.transport.gov.scot/report/j415388-05.htm Arline, Katherine (2015) Porters five forces analysing the competition. Available at: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5446-porters-five-forces.html (Accessed: 19 January 2017). Boddy, D. and Paton, R. (2002) Management: An introduction. New York: Prentice Hall Europe. begg, prof david (2016) Congestion. Available at: http://www.greenerjourneys.com//2016//Prof-David-Begg-The-Impact-of- (Accessed: 20 January 2017). abstracts.aetransport.org/paper/download/id/3735 http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/first-group/managing-external-influences http://www.businessballs.com/maslow.htm https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads//impact-assessment.pdf Activity Log DATE DURATION ACTIVITY RESOURCES USED 2ND November 2016 20 mins Phoned to arrange interview with manager from JMB Mobile, Paper, Pen 9th November 2016 2 hours Compiled questionnaire to ask manager from JMB Pen, paper, computer, printer 11th November 2016 3 hours Travelled to JMB depot to interview Martin Bell a manager from JMB asked him question to help with primary research for report Money, pen, paper 18th November 2016 2 hours Looked at the results from questionnaires on face book and recorded the information Face book page, computer, pen, paper 22nd November 2016 1 hour Went to college library to get reference books on economics and business strategy for secondary research for my report Library, books, student card 27th December 2016 3 hours Compiled information and put this into some sort of order and used planning stage to see aims and objectives Planning stage of report, reference books, notes, pen, paper, computer 6th December 2016 2 hours Started typing up my findings for 1st aim and objective relating to price Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 13th November 2016 3 hours Compiled information on my 1st aim and objective. Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 20th December 2016 3 hours Started compiling information for my 2nd aim of how customer feel about the increase Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 17th January 20177 3 hours Typed up my findings for 1st aim and objective started to put this into report format Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 18th January 2017 2 hours 30 mins Typed findings for first aim and objective Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 19th January 2017 4 hours Collated all my information and started typing up 2nd aim into report format Notes, paper, pen, computer reference books, hard drive to save 20th January 2017 7 hours Typed up data for 2nd aim of report. Started collating information for my 3rd aim of my report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 21st January 2017 6 hours Typed up 3rd aim of my report. Started working on data for my 4th aim of report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 22nd January 2017 6 hours Typed up findings for 4th sim of report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 23rd January 2017 5 hours Wrote my acknowledgements, Executive summary and contents page and Activity log for report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save, planning stage of report 24th January 2017 1 hour Checked over my report, sent report through turn tin Computer, report, college email and access to turn tin

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Art Analysis: Safely Contained :: Papers

Art Analysis: Safely Contained Image: Scarface Artist: Miles Donovan This image is one of a series of four other paintings, all of iconic people. The image I am analyzing is of Robert De Nero as Scarface, an example of another of the images is Stevie Wonder. The image I am studying of Scarface is a computer generated image which was produced in Photoshop, the photo from a real shot in the film. The theme that is carried through the images is that they are all placed on a red background. I think this helps to make the images more striking, which works extremely well. With most paintings, such a heavy coloured background would make the foreground image appear o recede; but the artist in this piece has reversed this, making the red compliment the subject. We could maybe say this image is a stem of the 'pop art' movement; although it contains the blocked and flat colour elements, it still remains to be painted in a lifelike colour and composition, and so does not possess the vibrant colours usually related with 'pop art.' The size of the image is unknown but I should imagine it would be on a fairly large scale for it to have an impact, I think at such a size, the red background would be very imposing and would set forward, Robert De Nero the subject of the image. [IMAGE] The form of the image is very simple, subject and background, both of which are easily distinguishable. The image of scarface has been created upon an existing image of which contained a background, this is not transferred to the artists' graphic interpretation. This is done with all the images in the series, the background being replaced with a shade of red. We see that the subject either appears to be standing or sitting, resting both of his arms on something that is not contained within the shot, it almost appears that he is leaning on the frame. This cropping of the subject works very well to avoid as

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Whites v. Slaves :: American America History

Whites v. Slaves Throughout the nineteenth century, the relationship between Africans and White settlers had never been exactly pleasant, most Africans were slaves who were usually treated badly and therefore never did respect their white owners. However, over time, these slaves began to revolutionize their culture, language, and points of view based on their environment. Many changes were occurring in this period of time, thus creating countless opportunities for the African Americans to fabricate their new culture. A catalyst to this development of the new society is the noted differences the Africans and whites possess. Many of the Africans despised the whites, so they tired to stay as far away from them as possible, this rift in the peoples created the main African culture, purely based on the opposite ideas that the whites held. On the other hand, many times the White people would help out the Africans, and a bond would form between the slaves and their master. Although the groups tried to remain different in this situation, the ideas between the two mingled together and they influenced each other. As horrific as slavery may have seemed at the time, I think it may have been a "positive good", simply due to the actuality that at this time, White people were exceedingly ignorant, and without slavery, they possibly would not have a way of dealing with interactions with the slaves. As we look to post-Civil wartime, up to the time of MLK, we see that ignorance was an infestation throughout all of us, without the slavery, Africans were treated with the utmost disrespect. Common rights were stripped from them, and at times they were reduced to being treated like animals. During the period in question, the two races grew into coexisting without any major conflict or altercation. Comparatively to the north, the slave southern states did not seem to treat its workers any worse. It was said that at the time, the slaves were achieving better shelter, food and clothing. The migrant workers in the north at many times worked similar 10-14 hour shifts, and at many times, the slaved did not work that many hours, depending on what type of system they were working. Plus the workers up north did not have much food to eat, or clothes to wear, something the slaves did enjoy. Whites v. Slaves :: American America History Whites v. Slaves Throughout the nineteenth century, the relationship between Africans and White settlers had never been exactly pleasant, most Africans were slaves who were usually treated badly and therefore never did respect their white owners. However, over time, these slaves began to revolutionize their culture, language, and points of view based on their environment. Many changes were occurring in this period of time, thus creating countless opportunities for the African Americans to fabricate their new culture. A catalyst to this development of the new society is the noted differences the Africans and whites possess. Many of the Africans despised the whites, so they tired to stay as far away from them as possible, this rift in the peoples created the main African culture, purely based on the opposite ideas that the whites held. On the other hand, many times the White people would help out the Africans, and a bond would form between the slaves and their master. Although the groups tried to remain different in this situation, the ideas between the two mingled together and they influenced each other. As horrific as slavery may have seemed at the time, I think it may have been a "positive good", simply due to the actuality that at this time, White people were exceedingly ignorant, and without slavery, they possibly would not have a way of dealing with interactions with the slaves. As we look to post-Civil wartime, up to the time of MLK, we see that ignorance was an infestation throughout all of us, without the slavery, Africans were treated with the utmost disrespect. Common rights were stripped from them, and at times they were reduced to being treated like animals. During the period in question, the two races grew into coexisting without any major conflict or altercation. Comparatively to the north, the slave southern states did not seem to treat its workers any worse. It was said that at the time, the slaves were achieving better shelter, food and clothing. The migrant workers in the north at many times worked similar 10-14 hour shifts, and at many times, the slaved did not work that many hours, depending on what type of system they were working. Plus the workers up north did not have much food to eat, or clothes to wear, something the slaves did enjoy.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Challenges in Motivating Employeess Essay

Why motivating employees is becoming increasingly challenging. The study of motivation is concerned basically, why people behave in a certain way or why people do what they do? Generally motivation can be described as the direction and persistence of action. However different items such as work environment or internal and external forces can influence the person’s choice of action. Managers face a significant challenge in finding ways to motivate their employees. Some employees can often if hard to get motivated for a job even after being employed. Maybe because there is a day job duties repletion, work condition and etc. Below I discuss some of the most significant challenges in employee’s motivation: Money is one of the major variables of satisfaction and motivation, no doubt that employees will feel less motivated if they feel their compensation is not appropriate. Paying employees less will lead to dissatisfaction and of course dissatisfied employee is an unmotivated employee. However we have to consider individual differences in the motivation. Employees have different needs and given reward do not motivate all individuals similarly. Managers should spend time necessary to understand what is important to each employee and the align goal, level of involvement and reward with individual needs. For example professionals and knowledge workers which highly trained with a college or university degree are more concerned with content of work rather than their place on the organization chart. Money and promotions typically are low on their priority list in contrast job challenge and having skill-development opportunities tend to rank high. However motivating low skilled service workers which pay levels are often little above minimum wage such as retailing and fast food is different. Many employees working in low skilled service jobs feel that they do not get the respect they deserve from their employers. Unless pay and benefits are significantly increased, high dissatisfaction is probably inevitable in these jobs. Trying to understand the needs of such employees might help motivate them better. Motivating employees in a unionized workplace environment is another challenge. For example unions have not been very receptive to pay for performance plans. They believe that differential pay to employees doing similar work can hurt corporation and lead to competition in the workplace. In other word in unionized companies providing opportunities for training and advancement and listening to employees concern all help in creating a more positive environment. On the other hand with todays globalized companies we have to consider motivation do not necessarily work equally through the world. Reward practices in different countries are variable based on cultural differences. For example countries that put a high value on uncertainly avoidance prefer pay base on objective such as seniority. Countries that put a high value on individualism place more emphasis on an individual’s responsibility for performance that leads to rewards. Countries that put a high value on human orientation offer social benefits and programs that provide working family balance, such as childcare, maternity leave and etc. Work conditions and environment is another motivation challenges. Changing the way workers are treated may boost productivity more than changing the way they are paid. An employee who feels his working conditions are unreasonable maybe unmotivated. If he feels completing a task would place him in a dangerous situation, he may not see the value doing or completing it. Other thing which could affect employee motivation is training. An employee being asked to do work which he is not qualified for or capable of doing can result in an unmotivated employee. People are generally the most motivated when their jobs give them an opportunity to learn new skills and tasks that are performed and enable them to demonstrate competence. So no doubt having an open, safe and welcoming environment is one of the most important factors. Regulation of the hours of work is another condition. If an employee is working 60 hours a week instead of the standard 40 hours, he may feel unmotivated to show up or give a full effort knowing that he will give more work and expected to stay late to finish project. Multicultural Team is another challenge in motivation. Nowadays most of the companies from big to small have multicultural team. People from diverse culture, background and beliefs. It’s clear we cannot motivate multicultural teams the same way we motivate teams with members all from same culture. Multicultural teams are differing from same culture teams in a variety of aspects. For example people from different culture have different communication style, working method and decision making practices. The expectations of team behavior vary among nationals and ethic cultures. In result managers in these companies have special challenges for motivation. Managing and motivating employees who respect different cultures can be simultaneously exciting and challenging, provide supervisors and managers understand how culture differences inspire organizational excellence, at the same time, employers encounter challenges by separating employees instead of using management and motivation techniques that focus on common traits through the workforce. In these companies as a motivating factor, money is important but only to some extent. Usually After they start getting a fairly level of compensation for their input, money stop being the greatest motivator for most people. Knowing the strength, weaknesses and performance history of each team member are very important. Some training such as multicultural awareness, team building and intercultural management workshop, motivate multicultural team members are very helpful but they must know why they are being trained. Result: All said and done working with a cross cultural team is significantly challenging as the manager must develop strategies to cope not only with differences but also motivate the team to be productive and efficient. Can a manager or supervisor â€Å"empower† an employee? Generally managers used their power as the part of their interaction with employees. In today’s workplace, there is a movement toward sharing more power with employees by putting them in teams and also by making them responsible for some of the decisions regarding their jobs. Some managers believe that to empower people is a real part of leadership as opposed to management and they give examples of way empowerment can actually set people set free to do the jobs they are capable of and also allow them to do self-managing. However managers have different concepts of empowerment, for example one group of executives believed that empowerment was about delegating decisions making within a set of clear boundaries. While another group believed that empowerment was a process of risk taking and personal growth. There is a lot of positive press on empowerment but much of the talk of empowerment, but much of the talk of empowerment, does not result in employees being empowered. Some managers have difficulties letting employees have more power. But most of the managers agree that the employees should understand how their jobs fit into the organization and that they are able to make decisions regarding job action in light of the organization purpose and mission. Empowerment can offer a number of potential benefits throughout all levels of organization. Although there is a continuing debate about the real benefits of empowerment, there appears to be a general assumption motivated staff, quality customer service and improved profits. However all the theories share a common assumption that workers are an untapped resource with knowledge and experience and an interest in becoming involved, and employers need do provide opportunities and structures for their involvement. It’s also assume that participative decision making is likely to lead to job satisfaction and better quality decision and that gains are available to employer (Increased Efficiency) and workers (Job satisfaction), in short an everyone win scenario. According to Erstad, among the many fashionable management refers to the change strategy with the objective of improving both the individuals and the organization’s ability to act. From the context of articles especially in this area empowerment is a complex process. In order to be successful it requires a clear vision, a learning environment, both for management and employees, participation and implementation tools and techniques.