Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Using a quantitative method enables you to draw up conclusions from the statistical results Free Essays

a) Using a quantitative strategy empowers you to make up determinations from the factual outcomes. One preferred position of this is utilizing polls to get generalisable outcomes. You can disseminate these across England and Wales to a wide range of individuals, regular workers, white collar class, male or female and so on, which later makes your outcomes increasingly illustrative of the populace that you are contemplating. We will compose a custom article test on Utilizing a quantitative strategy empowers you to reach up inferences from the factual outcomes or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now You have results from a scope of individuals rather than one specific gathering, which may have higher rates than others because of material or social elements. Another favorable position is quantitative information is much quicker than subjective information, so on the off chance that you didn’t have a ton of time to assemble your outcomes, at that point a quantitative methodology would be ideal. You don’t need to pose casual inquiries in interviews however rather can accumulate measurable data by means of snappy overview addresses that make your outcomes simpler to peruse. b) One preferred position of utilizing two techniques to accumulate your outcomes is you can quantify them against one another. On the off chance that your outcomes are comparable, at that point they are bound to be legitimate proportion of your example. On the off chance that anyway there is a significant complexity, at that point you could receive an alternate technique until you have comparative outcomes, to guarantee your outcomes were a legitimate proportion of the thing you were considering. Another favorable position is the more outcomes you have, the more you can make speculations regarding your example. You could separate outcomes from each focused on bunch you were considering which would make them agent and at long last increasingly dependable. You have a more extensive scope of results that you could pick your outcomes from. c) Despite minor changes, Item An exhibits a consistent ascent in separate from rates in England and Wales in the course of recent years. It has expanded significantly by over 10%. The fundamental driver as indicated by the thing is the presentation of separation laws in the UK, specifically The Matrimonial Causes Act of 1967. This saw a huge 80 thousand separation increment cresting after the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act of 1985 to 160 thousand separations in England and Wales around the same time. What we notice from thing An is that a greater number of separations are documented by ladies as opposed to men, especially in the last years where there are over twice the same number of ladies petitioning for legal separation contrasted with the insignificant number of men. The proportion augmented drastically after the Divorce Reform Act of 1971, which permitted couples to separate on grounds of conjugal breakdown. This expansion didn't just speak to an excess of couples stan ding by to legitimately end marriage as the rates keep on increasing over the next years. d) In request to begin my exploration I should first operationalise the idea â€Å"stability of family life.† Family life for this situation implies a wedded couple with their own kids who they despite everything support. Strength will be founded in light of the fact that the family own a home loan and are not near the very edge of separation. To get into the field I will talk with youngsters and their folks at schools all through England and Wales. To make my outcomes generalisable, I will utilize an open and a Comprehensive school from every district. This additionally makes my outcome agent as I am utilizing schools from various social foundations, which will give me a decent portrayal of the solidness of family life from various social classes. When I am in the field I will utilize unstructured meetings and center gatherings to assemble my information. I will talk with youngsters to ensure I get solid outcomes †one answer will in general be superior to two. While talking with youngsters I will ensure their folks are available in the event that anything is said that they oppose which would be dishonest. To obtain entrance of guardians I will utilize parents’ nights to talk with them together. Thusly I will find one solution from them rather than two, which could be unique. It additionally spares time looking at results. When leading the meeting I will guarantee my inquiries are comparable for each and that the family comprehends what the inquiries involve so my outcomes are substantial. I should ensure I am estimating the strength of family life that I perceive, not what another person accepts is the idea. This will at that point make my outcomes dependable for use. e) When utilizing subjective information, the strategies utilized can make results inconsistent for various reasons. The primary worry with my strategy is, are families prone to admit to a more abnormal that their family is precarious? The basic answer is no as that could be humiliating and it’s an individual inquiry. In the event that I was utilizing quantitative information for instance, polls at that point individuals may put an honest answer down as they are not under investigation from the questioner or their accomplice. Meeting youngsters is likewise troublesome particularly while affected by their folks. They are probably going to know whether their folks are in an unsteady relationship for clear reasons yet may not wish to state so on the grounds that they are being viewed by their folks which raises the purpose of acquiring solid outcomes. Anyway you can’t talk with them without their essence because of moral qualities. Guardians are additionally affected by one another. Regardless of whether the marriage is unsteady, one might be too hesitant to even consider saying so because of the response of the other, again causing worry for the dependability of my outcomes. My strategy for gathering information may not work with regards to talking families at parents’ nighttimes. Measurements show that guardians from regular workers foundations are less inclined to appear. This could be because of work factors, for example, move work that most regular workers individuals will in general do. This would imply that you would have a bigger number of guardians appear in state funded schools than you would in your nearby Comprehensive accordingly giving you an unrepresentative proportion of your example. Another downside is generalisability. You have to have a different example to ensure it is delegate however this at that point makes your technique tedious and costly. You would need to painstakingly choose your goal yet whichever way there is a destruction to this factor. The most effective method to refer to Using a quantitative technique empowers you to make up inferences from the measurable outcomes, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Analyze the Effect of Education on the Development Free Essays

string(156) they will get sick and will bring about surrendering instruction in that they have no influence and cash to contemplate, which will cause negative effects for the society. Examine the Effect of Education on the Development of Countries Education can show us how to be a genuine man, how to coexist with others in the general public and furthermore can make gifts to let countries’ power more grounded. Instruction can effectsly affect the advancement of a nation. It is basically reflected in three viewpoints. We will compose a custom paper test on Break down the Effect of Education on the Development or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now The first is the financial development, the second is the populace and work in the public eye and the third is steadiness and reasonable in politic. Moreover, this paper will likewise show instruction of various levels has impacts on various parts of various nations. All inclusive instruction significantly affects creating economy development of nations. Created instructive framework is superior to lacking instructive framework to financial increment. A case of fruitful created instructive framework can be found in China and India. In excess of 30 percent populace of the world lives in China and India absolutely, and the greater part of them are still remain in neediness. Confronting such an enormous issue, Chinese government established Nine-Year Compulsory Education Policy to improve the nature of essential training, and Indian government gives increasingly instructed opportunities to young ladies and ladies. With an ever increasing number of individuals being taught, the economy of two nations increments drastically. One reason is that informed ranchers who can peruse the horticulture guidelines get more aptitudes to cultivate well, which brings about a development in rural profitability (Brown, 2008). These informed ranchers realize how to water, apply compost all the more proficiently, lastly they collect more harvests which brings about a higher salary. Dollar and Gatti’s inquire about (1999) delineates that expansion one rate point chances for ladies with optional instruction brings about a 0. rate focuses for a country’s yearly for every capita increment. To summarize, no doubt monetary development and created instruction framework can't be isolated. The greater interest in instruction framework, the more positive impacts be reflected in the economy increment. Contrasted and created training framework, lacking instructive framework has a contrary result that is economy decrease. Initially, youngsters who are not instructed just as their kids will remain at low class, which is the motivation behind why the hole among neediness and riches gets more extensive. Normally, if a nation has a lot of penniless individuals, the economy is diminishing (Brown, 2008). Next, it is nonsensical for government to give less consideration to instruction, in light of the fact that there is a nearby association between less training, destitution and unsteadiness. Nobel Prize-winning financial specialist Amartya said (2008):†Illiteracy and innumeracy are a more noteworthy danger to humankind than fear mongering. † That implies no instruction is a wellspring of precariousness. It is conceivable that most viciousness and clashes are brought about by poor people, since they are missing of food, garments, new water and their country. They need more information to ensure themselves and they don't have the foggiest idea where they can get equity. At last they should take such savage intends to look for their own advantages, and it prompts genuine result, for example, the war. The two distinct nations that lead diverse instruction frameworks have inverse outcomes in advanced education. Mauritius is a little island which is associated with Tanzania encompassed by the Indian Ocean. Various nature assets can be utilized by Tanzania, for example, gold, gas, jewels, tin, and coal while Mauritius doesn't have (Bloom et al. 006). With these weaknesses, Mauritius government strengthens their endeavors to build the odds for kids being instructed and the nature of advanced education. The UIS refered to in Higher Education (2005) proposes that half of the masses in Mauritius are tertiary understudies, and the number is expanding from 1 percent in 1985 to 15 percent now (TFHE refered to in Higher Education, 2000). The framework additionally establishes a framework for the essential and optional training, and the subjects of college are added to address the issues of understudies (2005). Interestingly, the legislature of Tanzania doesn't focus on advanced education, and the hole between female understudies and male understudies is more extensive, increasingly male understudies. The subjects associated with science are not performed well by understudies. At last, Mauritius has a high for each capita (GDP) of $12,800 and it is as yet developing significantly. Conversely, the GDP in Tanzania is lower, close to $700. Today Mauritius has become a center salary country since 1960 while Tanzania is as yet perhaps the most unfortunate nation on the planet (Bloom, 2005). Apparently training can help discard destitution. On the off chance that a nation has a hunger to be more grounded, the legislature must put additional time and vitality in training framework. Just as influencing the economy, instruction additionally influence on the general public. Women’s training, which influences the populace development rate, has solid effect on ripeness. Ladies who have decent training will consider their own objectives and will invest more energy in accomplishing the objective, which could prompt them having less kids, and the ripeness will be lower. Ethiopia is a sensational case of this. Other than Population Reference Bureau (2007) shows that Ethiopian ladies without instruction have a normal of 6. 1 youngsters. Interestingly, ladies with in any event optional instruction have a normal of 2. 0 kids. Besides, lady who gets significant level instruction will thoroughly consider the family’s costs and social weight. So accomplished ladies know how much will they embrace for a kid as a parent. Cleland and Kaufmann (1993) contend that endeavoring to clarify the connection among training and richness should give more consideration to recognizing the determinants of regenerative dynamic. To summarize, women’s training is the accentuation for richness. Instruction, which can build the children’s wellbeing and decline the quantity of illness, is one of the most significant elements for mortality. The populace development rate is fruitfulness in addition to mortality. Consequently both ripeness and mortality ought to be low. Right off the bat, hungry and ailing health is imperative to the strength of youngsters. On the off chance that understudies are eager and lack of healthy sustenance, they will get sick and will bring about surrendering instruction in that they have no influence and cash to examine, which will cause negative effects for the general public. You read Investigate the Effect of Education on the Development in class Article models Sachs (2008) states that most sick kids quit any pretense of going to class everlastingly due to sound issue. Besides young ladies who have not been taught seem to have no cognizance about genuine infections, for example, HIV and AIDS. Nations, for example, Brazil and Bangladesh are executing approaches to conquer this issue; such supporting grants for young ladies or allowances to their folks where required. Young ladies are roused investing more energy in school and wedding in more established age, giving more consideration to medicinal services. At long last, both fruitfulness and mortality will be clearly lower; the social issue of populace might be mitigated. The impact of instruction on work, which is one of the most significant factors in the general public, has been getting more grounded and more grounded. Work is related with singular salary, the families’ life quality and the social turn of events. Also, joblessness can cause craving, destitution and social issues, for example, wrongdoing . In China, due to the genuine business circumstance, there are various alumni who are jobless consistently. It appears that on the off chance that somebody has low level training, the chance to be utilized is very little. Interestingly, the individuals who accomplished elevated level instruction will have increasingly opportunity to be effective and have significant compensation. Proof proposes that proficient capacities have enormous financial effects on singular salary and on advancement of nations (Hanushek and Woessmann, 2007) and that workers’ productivity are chosen by both the time and substance of instruction (Heckman, Layne-Farrar, and Todd 1995; Murnane, Willett, and Levy 1995). Be that as it may, on the grounds that the vast majority in European or North American nations center around significant level training, the flexibly and interest for cutting edge talented laborers is imbalanced at this point. Williams (2009) states that the interest for gifted specialists is more prominent than the flexibly. In this manner innovative instruction is by all accounts an open door for somebody who is uneducated and it might alleviate the extreme business circumstance. At last, it will positively affect social turn of events. What's more, since politic depends on economy and society, training of various evaluations could likewise be thought as one of the primary driver which influences politic well. Right off the bat, all inclusive essential and optional instruction can settle the general public and nation, which is the base of the advancement of a nation, particularly in African nations. Essential training offers uneducated kid and grown-up information that can teach them to add to their general public and nation as opposed to carrying out wrongdoings to get by. As per Brown (2008), the execution of a school lunch program in some African nations have kept understudies remaining at school longer, concentrating to increase an appropriate information on acting great yet not follow psychological warfare that does genuine mischief to nations. Fundamental instruction of people likewise keeps people’s life over a decent level. Moreover, instruction is a productive method to limit the hole between the rich and poor that could prompt the contention between various classes. Such circumstance could bring about the insurgency and prompts the choppiness of

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Set Up a Soothing Home Spa Experience for Stress Relief

Set Up a Soothing Home Spa Experience for Stress Relief Stress Management Household Stress Print Set Up a Soothing Home Spa Experience Pamper Yourself and Relieve Stress By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on June 24, 2019 stevecoleimages / E+ / Getty Images More in Stress Management Household Stress Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Job Stress Relationship Stress If you’re as busy and stressed as most of us, you may not take time out for self-care very often. However, personal pampering has many stress relieving benefits  and should be incorporated as part of a low-stress lifestyle. This may seem like a luxury that only those with a little too much time on their hands engage in, but its actually the stressed and busy among us who can benefit the most from the stress-relieving qualities of the spa experience. Relaxing your body can lead to a relaxed mind, and both can help to reduce stress levels, which can bring a host of benefits. If you don’t have the budget for a high-end spa, you can create a relaxing home spa experience for yourself. The following are some basic elements to include in creating a home spa experience that will melt away stress and leave you feeling pampered and relaxed. 7 Steps in a Relaxing Home Spa Privacy! Perhaps the most important part of the home spa experience is being sure you have some uninterrupted time for just you. If you have to hop out of the tub to circumvent a catastrophe with your toddler or answer a string of calls, you may end up feeling even tenser! Make arrangements for some uninterrupted solitude, let the phone go to voice mail, and prepare to indulge. Music. If you can arrange to have music in your bathroom, you’ll be glad you did. The right soothing melodies can help melt away the stress and make you feel more removed from reality. If you live with others, the music can drown out household sounds that may remind you of everything else going on. This would take your attention away from the here and now of your home spa experience. Lighting.  You’d be surprised at how the right light can create a stress-relieving mood. Lighting the room with candles can fill the area with a soothing scent and create a very relaxing atmosphere. Bath Products. You can go a long way in creating a luxurious bath with a few helpful products. Lavender-scented bubble bath, for example, uses the power of aromatherapy to soothe you.Body scrubs are used in spas to exfoliate the skin, and can be used at home as well.Skin-moisturizing oils  can be added to your bath to nourish your skin and make the pampered feeling last. Beauty Treatments. While you’re relaxing, you may as well get more beautiful! Putting a conditioning treatment in your hair and a purifying masque on your face can make your face and scalp feel good and leave you looking more beautiful afterward. Rubbing your dry skin with a loofah and scrubbing calloused feet with a pumice stone can be a little more work. You’ll love the results and it will only take a few minutes. After Tub Care. You may want to follow up after you get out of the tub by applying a rich conditioning cream to your skin and a coat of nail polish to your toes. Again, this will keep you feeling more pampered between spa treatments. You can look at your toes and be transported back to that soothing experience! Massage. You may think a home spa treatment can’t include a massage, but it can!  If you can’t enlist the soothing hands of a partner, you can use a self-massager to do the same job. A massage can loosen up tight muscles, promote circulation and make you feel great. If you’re really in the mood to indulge, you can even hire a professional massage therapist to come to your house! A Few Spa-tastic Tips for Stress Relief Block off a specific amount of time for yourself. Sometimes busy people have a hard time just doing nothing because we can think of so many other things that need doing. If this break is scheduled to be a specific length, you may feel more entitled to simply enjoy it.Try to do this on a regular schedule, like once a week or twice a month. With repetition, you may see your spa time making a significant impact on your overall stress level!Don’t feel guilty for taking some time for yourselfâ€"you deserve it!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Moreau Surname Meaning and Origin

Moreau is a common surname in France that is found throughout the world, including the U.S. and Canada. Alternate surname spellings for Moreau include  Morreau, Moreaux, Morreaux, Morault, Morrault, Moreault, Moreaud, Morreaud, Morault, Moraud, Morraud, Morot, Morrot, Merau, Maureau, Maure, Moro, and Moreault. Moreau Meaning The Moreau surname originated as a nickname for someone with dark skin. Its  derived from the Old French word more, meaning dark-skinned, which in turn derives from the Phoenician mauharim, meaning eastern.   Where to Find Moreau as a last name can be found in countries all over the world.  Within the borders of France, Moreau is  most common in the Poitou-Charentes region of France, followed by Centre, Pays-de-la-Loire, Limousin, and Bourgogne. The Moreau surname was most commonly found in the northern part of France, as well as in Indre, Vendee,  Deux Sà ¨vres, Loire Atlantique, and Charente Maritime in central France  between 1891 and 1915. This general  distribution held for successive decades, although Moreau was most common in Loire Atlantique between 1966 and 1990. Famous People Named Moreau Famous people with the last name Moreau include Jeanne Moreau, a legendary French actress who appeared in nearly 150 movies, including Jules and Jim and The Bride Wore Black. Auguste Francois Moreau  was a prominent Victorian and Art Nouveau sculptor. Gustave Moreau was a French symbolist painter, and Marguerite Moreau was an American actress. Moreau Family Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Moreau family crest or coat of arms for the Moreau surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Paperback, 2nd edition, Puffin, August 7, 1984. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Paperback, 1st Edition, Mercat Press, October 1, 2003. France of MOREAU between 1891 and 1915. Geopatryonyme. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, January 1, 1998. Hanks, Patrick. A Dictionary of Surnames. Flavia Hodges, Oxford University Press, February 23, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, May 8, 2003. Moreau. Forebears, 2019. Reaney, Percy H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, January 1, 2005, USA. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Paperback, Genealogical Publishing Company, December 8, 2009.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Inequality Within Education With Sex And Gender

This essay will examine the inequality in education that is present in our society in accordance with sex and gender. In recent years, females have been outperforming males in all subject areas. The term sex refers to the biological characteristics of a person’s body that makes them either male or female while gender refers to someone being masculine or feminine. (Stoller 1968, p.9) This essay will demonstrate why males are underachieving in the education system looking at it in terms of gender and sex differences and how they impact that. That will be followed by other factors affecting this result. Then, a few different perspectives on education will be looked at. In recent years as shown in the graph above, females have been outperforming males in education this has been causing inequality within education. In almost all subject areas females have a higher rate in having the required standards except for mathematics at key stage 2 in which the gender gap has been closed. The outperforming of females in the education system is caused by many reasons. The labour market for one has significantly changed. â€Å"With the decline of heavy industry, the increase in service-sector work, the increasing employment of flexible part-time workers and workers fixed-term contracts have all increased employment opportunities for women.† (Haralambos et al. 2004, p.769) When women notice that they have the opportunity to get employed and it is not as hard as it used to be they exert endlessShow MoreRelatedThroughout Centuries Gender Has Been A Social Construct1363 Words   |  6 Pages Throughout centuries gender has been a social construct that enforc es gender norms and as a result, gender inequality was born. Gender inequality has prevailed and can be observed throughout most cultures, education, labor force, and in our own personal lives. At a very young age we are introduced to a gender identity based upon the sex we were born with. Girls are associated with the color pink, dolls, nurturing tendencies, and inclined to be more emotional. While boys are associated with theRead MoreInequality is a Fact of Life and Yet Condemned as an Offense to Civilized Society1253 Words   |  5 PagesInequality is presumed to be a fact of life and condemned as an offence to civilised society. The debates associated with inequality have changed over time and have been portrayed in different contexts. Inequalities can be distinguished in terms of whether they are inequalities of opportunity, inequalities of outcome, inequalities of access or inequalities in entitlement (Platt 2011). Inequality is also differentiated as to whether they are just or unjust, avoidable or unavoidable, or naturally orRead MoreThe Construction And Experience Of Gender Inequality1395 Words   |  6 Pagesexperience of gender inequality. Men and women are co nstantly analyzed, compared, and grouped together in society. The result of this yields discrepancies in how sexes are viewed by society. Throughout my examination and explanation of gender inequality, I concluded both men and women are victims to gender inequality. I examined different professional industries in The United States to get a familiar understanding of gender inequality around me. Gender inequality does not particularly favor one sex in everyRead MoreQuestions On Inequalities Of Gender Inequality1625 Words   |  7 Pages1. Inequalities of Gender 1. Discuss the various forms of Gender inequality 2. Choose and discuss two theoretical perspectives used to analyze gender inequality 3. Make sure to compare the perspectives and choose which one you align yourself with Kerbo (1994) refer to gender as the socially constructed definition of what it mean to be female or male. Sex and gender are two separate terms. Sex refers to the biological characteristics. However, gender is completely different. Gender is sociallyRead MoreInequality On The Basis Of Race, Class, Sex, And Resource Poor Educational System924 Words   |  4 PagesInequality on the basis of race, class, sex/gender, and sexuality is maintained in a variety of ways and contexts in the education system. This institution functions through several strategies to contain these common imbalances in society. The leading issue for this division is on the basis of its individual structure within the system. For example, Jonathan Kozol demonstrates that â€Å"the divergent experiences of students in a resource-rich and resource-poor educational systems demonstrates a differenceRead MoreHiv Is A Disease?1574 Words   |  7 Pagesweakness, weight loss and diarrhea start. (Kuk. Riddell. Belcastro. 191) It is currently estimated that there are 34 million people living with AIDS, and that approximately 1.7 million people die each year from AIDS. (Kuk. Riddell. Belcastro. 191). Within that 34 million people, more than 95% of those infections occur in developing countries, and two thirds occur in Sub- Saharan Africa where over 28 million people are infected. (Canadian Journal of African Studies. 416). There are many factors leadingRead MoreGender And Work : Women s Roles1618 Words   |  7 PagesBridget Steele Dr. Katie Worman Ross SOC 4043 7 October 2017 Gender and Work Midterm Gender and work exist sociologically as a way to maintain both authority and inequality. Women’s roles throughout history shed a light on the expectations and stereotypes that exist today; however, navigating a gendered economy and overcoming sex segregation continues to be a challenging task for most women. Wages continue to be uneven, and wives continue to bear most of the child rearing and domestic responsibilitiesRead MoreEssay on Gender Inequality in Medical School1718 Words   |  7 Pagesalso many stereotypes about genders. For example, women are weaker than men or women like to cook more than men or they are better caretakers. This discussion addresses major controversial stereotypes within medical schools and health institutions across America. For centuries women have faced the challenge of gender inequality within their medical education and profession. Different medical fields in schools, practices and institutions have different types of gender issues. For examp le, males areRead More Gender Inequality: Sex Discrimination in Employment Essay1617 Words   |  7 Pages Gender equality is about equal opportunity for men and women to identify their individual potential. One must be able to benefit from their participation in society and contribute to the economic and social development of their country (Australian Government. 2009). Through multiple reviewed literature on gender inequality, the overall concept within many sociological readings was the way gender inequality socially relates to employment and careers. There are three separate themes thatRead MoreFemale Discrimination And Domestic Violence869 Words   |  4 PagesArgument ABC News’ main argument throughout the reports was strongly about female discrimination in workplace and the cause of the issue. Inequality issues such as pay gap significantly affect female graduates. A report showed that some industries suffer a larger gender pay gap than others. The pay inequality was then argued to stem from a lack of women in Parliament. The lack of women representatives was witnessed to have a direct impact on workplace discrimination and domestic violence. Due to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unification of Spain Free Essays

Unification of Spain: the Good, the Bad, and the Really Ugly | Alexis Wilson | The Europeans wanted to expand their minds and their wealth with what the â€Å"unknown† world had to â€Å"offer†. When I say offer, I mean what they could take and run with without consequence. The Europeans wanted to â€Å"expose† and â€Å"enlighten† the new world people with their religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Unification of Spain or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I say â€Å"expose† and â€Å"enlighten†, I mean force the new world people to convert to Christianity or they would be slowly tortured to death or burned at the stake. Portugal, one of the all mighty Iberian Sates, was in a hard-hitting competition with Spain, another Iberian State. According to the textbook, Portugal was losing manpower and resources needed to control a vast empire of three continents. Spain on the other hand, depleted their newfound wealth on wars and other unnecessary things when they should have been developing their economy (Wallbank et al. 482). Portugal and Spain were battling for greatness, immortality if you will. They would have done anything to get it, even if it meant eradicating peoples and their cultures. Unfortunately, that was exactly what Portugal and Spain did. Spain and Portugal were trading across the â€Å"known† world. Spain exported olive oil, asparagus, conserved fish and more. That was how they received their funds and their power. The Iberian States had a general idea that there were more lands to discover and more money to make. So they set sail to discover and take over anything that were in their way, with their bibles in their pockets and swords in their hands, fueled by the desire of unthinkable wealth and power. According to Juan Pimentel, Portugal and Spain entered the sixteenth century with an advantage in nautical technology and navigation relative to other European nations (20). â€Å"The overseas enterprises of Spain expanded dramatically following the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Even before this historic Atlantic crossing, Spaniards had begun the conquest of the Canary Islands which served as a base and proving ground for the invasion and conquest of Spanish America, known as the Indies† (Andrien 55). Even though Christopher Columbus was not from Spain, he set sail for them because the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain were the only ones that agreed to fund for the exploration that made Christopher Columbus famous, the exploration that Christopher Columbus dreamed of. â€Å"Spain became strongly centralized under an assertive and aggressive monarchy in 1479, when Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon began a joint rule that united the Iberian Peninsula except for Navarre, Portugal, and Granada† (Wallbank et al 455). Portugal was known as incredible competition relative to Spain. Columbus wanted to prove that he could find a shorter and cheaper way to sail to India and China by taking the unknown west route. While Columbus was looking for a shorter route to reach the country of India and China, he inadvertently discovered America. Columbus was oblivious to the fact that he â€Å"discovered† America, and he did not reach his intended destination of India. Columbus called the inhabitants â€Å"Indians†. He had his men capture the â€Å"Indians† and made them slaves. When Columbus came to America he came with diseases. The inhabitants did not have a strong enough immune system to fight off, which decimated the inhabitants of America. Even though the people were sick, it is safe to say that Columbus did not show mercy and still made the slaves work so he would be able to bring gold, spices and other new world items he promised to the King and Queen of Spain, in high hopes that they would fund for more explorations . He did not wish to disappoint the very people that invested in him. After â€Å"discovering† the diversity of the Indies, intellectuals of Spain argued over the humanity and proper social role of the indigenous people they have come to encounter and the offspring of the men that Columbus traveled and the women of the Americas. Intellectuals of Spain struggled with what to call the indigenous people and their illegitimate offspring. They were not sure whether or not to call them â€Å"beasts†, â€Å"barbarians†, or â€Å"brothers† (Andrien 59). Columbus, being the pocketful of sunshine he is, forced the inhabitants to convert to Christianity to ensure that the land was for Spain, all of Spain practiced one religion. If the inhabitants did not agree to convert they severely punished, as mentioned before (Wallbank et al 482 ). The Catholic Majesties were smart to invest in Christopher Columbus. Without his exploration and â€Å"discoveries† of gold, slivers, spices and slaves, they would not have been able to replenish their wealth and rebuild the broken economy. Back in Spain, Isabella and Ferdinand is working on unifying Spain and sharing the crowns of Castile, Aragon and Spain (â€Å"History of Spain†). Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon planned on making Spain the best it has ever been. They wanted their beloved country to be unified in everything they did, especially in religion. That is where the legendary Spanish Inquisition comes into action. The â€Å"Catholic Majesties†, as the pope titled King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, set out to establish effective royal control in all of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand started the Spanish Inquisition, for the pope allowed. Not only did they have power over Spain, they had power over the church also. They were able to have power over the church by making it the law for the monarchs of Spain to have power over the church. The Spanish court of inquisition seized the property of many converters (Jews and Muslims who were afraid of the inquisition and avoided persecution) and terrified the Christian clergy and laity into accepting royal absolutism as well as religious orthodoxy (Wallbank et al 455). Not only did they force religion on the peoples of the new world, Isabella and Ferdinand forced religion on their own people as well, without mercy may I add. Spanish absolutism, defined by Isabella herself as â€Å"one king, one law, one faith† (Wallbank et al 455). Terrified but still determined to practice their faith, the â€Å"converters† practiced their religion in secret. Without a doubt, the Spanish Inquisition strengthens the Spanish crown. It also caused many people to leave Spain. Inquisitors made sure the King and Queen of Spain knew that people where performing acts of heretic and suggested to the King and Queen of Spain all those who were unwilling to convert to Christianity must leave the country, needless to say they agreed and the Inquisitors went into action and rid the country of Spain of non-converters (Wallbank et al 455). In 1492, the same year Columbus set out to sail to India and China, about 150,000 Spanish Jews left the country and resided in the Netherlands, England, North Africa, and the Ottoman Empire (Wallbank et al 455). About 10 years later same demands are made for the Spanish Muslims. Spain used to be one the most tolerant of religions, but under the rule of the â€Å"Catholic Majesties†, Spain became the most intolerant country when it came to terms of religion (â€Å"History of Spain†). King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella did not stop there. They set out to clear surrounding countries of non-converters and expand their empire even more. One of the most notable successes of the Catholic Majesties was the completion of the Reconquista with the defeat of Granada, the last Muslim state on the Iberian Peninsula in 1492. With a few more defeats of surrounding countries, the unification of the Spanish nation-state was complete in 1516, right before King Ferdinand died, a dozen years after queen Isabella died (Wallbank et al 456). In my opinion, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella‘s policies did work for them in the long run, in every sense. Do I agree on how they executed their plans for progressing Spain? No, I absolutely do not agree with the Catholic Majesties tactics. But, they reached every goal they set. Their goal was improving Spain and broadening their empire. With Isabella inheriting the crown of Castile and Ferdinand inheriting the crown of Aragon, the couple had a lot of power that made it possible for them fully convert and unify their empire (â€Å"History of Spain†). In the textbook it explains that Ferdinand and Isabella controlled the church, with the grace of the Pope, and they took control of surrounding countries, rid them of non-converting heretics and converted them to Christianity. King Ferdinand fought against the non-converters until his dying breath (Wallbank et al 456). People lost their lives, their homes and the freedoms to express themselves and their religions because the King and Queen wanted to â€Å"unify† their country and empire. They wanted to do what the rulers before them were not be able to do. They were rough and ruthless in a sense to achieve their goals of expanding their country and spreading their religion. They had to be if they wanted their country to be unified and practicing one religion. I guess it is safe to say that they would agree with Machiavelli’s renowned book The Prince. â€Å"It is better to be feared than to be loved†¦the end justifies the means†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (Machiavelli’s The Prince). Works Cited Andrien, Kenneth J. , Atlantic History: A critical Appraisal. New York. Oxford University Press. 2009. The Spanish Atlantic System. Print History of Spain Historyworld. net. N. p. n. d. History of Spain. Web. 10 Feb. 2013 Pimental, Juan. The Iberian Vision: Science and Empire in the framework of the universal monarchy, 1500-1800. Vol. 15 issue 1. 2000. Wallbank, Walter T, Alastair M. Taylor, Nels M. Bailkey, Clyde J. Lewis, Palmira Brummett. Civilizations Past and Present. Twelfth Edition. Volume 2. Pearson Education 2008. Spain: Ferdinand and Isabella and the Reconquista, The Iberian Age. Print. How to cite Unification of Spain, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Rough Italian Lessons free essay sample

Growing up in a wealthy suburb of Chicago, my friends, siblings, and I have all had access to programs, schools, and really anything a child can want. My dad works hard to provide for my family, my mom is focused on making sure that we have great experiences to learn from, and to enjoy our childhoods. She also makes sure that we have the best education, and constantly brings to our attention different learning tools and supplements so that we can further our learning experience in this ever changing world. They were the perfect and dynamic duo that raised the perfect set of four children, ones that supported each other on the soccer field, have jobs and volunteer, and interact with surprising compatibility. We were always laughing, talking about something that just happened, a joke we just heard, or taking long bike rides through the forest preserves. Now entering my final year of high school, in the town I have spent half of my life, I have to apply to colleges, study hard, fight of f senioritis, and another factor, help out my mom and my brothers and sister, all younger than me, as we will be living in a house where one wrong move will send us into a two bedroom apartment, and my dad into an even smaller hotel room, because we have reached the turning point in our family unity. One the would forever change the family dynamic and alter the course of environment that my siblings would grow up in. My family hasn’t taken a family vacation, to see sights and experience new cultures, since the final two wonderful siblings were added to our family, eleven years ago. With my interest in language in culture, and think logically and make informed decisions, we decided to visit Italy, the main benefactor of genes and tradition in my dad’s side of the family. The plan was to leave dad home to work, travel to Rome, and visit the sights and get a feel for the county for the week, then have dad, who frequented the country quite a bit as a teen and young adult, meet up with us in Tuscany, where we would see the countryside as a family. A week into our discoveries of quaint towns and happiness in a farmhouse on a mountain in southern Tuscany, when by freak accident, my parents thrust their relationship and our uncertain futures on the line. My dad, who had a loving family, a nice house, and a stable job, even after having been laid off once, and found new work in a different working environment, had thrown away all that he had, that was almost a given to have in our position, so that he could get rushes of adrenaline that could keep him appeased, as though what great happiness he had wasn’t enough. His infidelities, and cruel, emotionally entangling impromptu meetings in plain sight of friends and the whole town, had thrown a hatchet into our perfect family, and the wound was so deep, that it is impossible to heal. As it was impossible to live in the same vicinity during the immediate aftermath of these shocking events, dad went home to pack up, as it was an agreement between the two to have space to work things out, and it threw the kids into shock. I inherited the ability to keep a cool head in any given situation, so I immediately threw my rescuer gear into hyper-drive. My mom, in the proximal days, was a wreck, and was it was nearly impossible to console her. I took it upon myself, however, to make the most of our trip, as it was likely to be the last that we could take for the foreseeable future. We traveled to Florence, and had the marvelous pizza, spent time in festivals and events around the towns in our area, and had a ball, given the situation. Nighttime would come, and mom would cry herself to sleep, the empty side of the bed a constant reminder of the awful events that tore apart our family. I, along with the help of the kids, kept her occupied and happy during that last week, as i t was sure to be the last memory of fun that sat in the minds of the kids. We tried to get home a week early, so that damage control could be assessed, and on the plane ride home, separated by 10 rows from the nearest family member, it hit me. From the time that plane touched down on the tarmac, my life would be changed forever. No more would I come home from school and have two smiling, loving parents to greet me, help me with my physics lab, or plan a date for my girlfriend. A wave of heat flushed over me, knowing that the only time I would see my parents, and my family together, was in court and the weekly transfer from Dad to Mom and vice versa, an image that had been so deeply ingrained into my head, Dad and Mom, Mom and Dad, together until the day they die, forever loving, forever joined by the sacred bond they shared together up on that altar in North Carolina. From that moment forward, I was determined to become a better person, a better student, a better brother, friend, son, and rescuer, because no one should have to experience the pain that rips families apart. I can only grow stronger from this experience, tasting happiness, having it taken away, and now my journey is to build myself and others a happy new life, one that I won’t squander away, like my father. Already, I have learned that nothing is permanent, nothing is a given, and I want to make sure that I provide the best by doing my best, in college, at my job, and until my last breath, because nothing is forever, nothing is guaranteed to last, so we can only make the absolute best with what we’ve got, and forever how long we have it.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Discuss how Carol Ann Duffy and Sheenagh Pugh explore Essay Example

Discuss how Carol Ann Duffy and Sheenagh Pugh explore Paper The concept of journey is one which pervades much of both Carol Ann Duffys and Sheenagh Pughs poetry, in literal and allegorical terms. Various devices and imagery are used in order to convey this concept, having varying effects on the reader, which will be analysed in the subsequent paragraphs.  The theme of travelling is present in Originally by Duffy, in which physical translocation (specifically emigration) is depicted through such nouns as country, emigration, and accent, and such verbs as rushed back, fell through, and leaving you standing. The latter phrase features two present continuous verbs, suggesting a sense of progression which contradicts the actual meaning of the verb standing, which functions as an adjective, communicating a lack of movement. This dichotomy reflects Duffys own unease regarding her own relocation during her childhood, in which she moved from Glasgow, Scotland to Stafford, England when she was six years old. This had a profound effect on her poetry, with references to travel palpable not only in the current poem but also in others like In Mrs Tilschers Class (You ran through the gates, impatient to be grown), Who Loves You (travelling in those mystical machines,) River (At the turn of the river the language changes), The Way My Mother Speaks (The train this slow evening / goes down England), and In Your Mind (The other country). We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss how Carol Ann Duffy and Sheenagh Pugh explore specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss how Carol Ann Duffy and Sheenagh Pugh explore specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss how Carol Ann Duffy and Sheenagh Pugh explore specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Moreover, enjambment is utilised throughout the poem; for example,  Do I only / think / I lost a river, culture, speech in order to visually represent flow, reflecting the physical sense of movement in a journey. However, use of enjambment (often followed by caesura) also interrupts the meaning of the lines since the words are not contained on one line therefore their meanings are spread across multiple lines, forming another dichotomy like the aforementioned one. These two dualities convey to the reader that there are two sides to every journey: the positivity and optimism of a new journey, and the negativity and regret of leaving ones past behind. The reader responds to this by perceiving the emotional qualities of the concept of journey and perhaps relate Duffys experiences onto their own, thus they begin to identify more with Duffys poetic explorations of journey; because, as has been stated, Duffy features journey in her work often, the readers identification with the concept makes her considerably more accessible, and so her non-journey-related social commentaries are more likely to be read and explored by the reader. There are several references to travelling in In Mrs. Tilschers Class, including  You could travel up the Blue Nile, which features the modal verb could to demonstrate the vast array of possibilities individuals have appertaining travel in the modern world. This builds an aura of wonder and mental fantasy as the reader imagines where they could travel, reflecting the wonder children experience whilst learning in school. Proper nouns, namely, Tana. Ethiopia. Khartoum. Aswan also convey this sense of endless potential voyages. However, as is often the case with her work, Duffy intentionally limits this effect by only referring to locations in Africa, since Tana is in Ethiopia, Khartoum in Sudan, and Aswan in Egypt. This makes the reader reconsider whether travel is really worthwhile; this is of course poignant bearing in mind Duffys own experience with travel, because, at such a young age, moving miles away from home is an anxious event, thus Duffy is warning readers to truly evaluate relocation due to its potential psychologically traumatic effects. A somewhat inverted sentiment is expressed in Pughs Birmingham Navigation graffiti, in which she includes adjectives like smoke-blackened, lurid, jaundiced and gangrenous to depict the dilapidated state of Birmingham. Pugh does so to communicate her disdain for Birmingham, where she grew up but later moved away from. Unlike Duffy who warns against relocation, Pugh is positive that she moved away from her birthplace; for example, the fact that the noun graffiti is in lower-case is intended to chastise the overly prominent visual pollution, which no doubt galvanised Pughs strong dislike for big cities. While Duffy expresses a rather mono-faceted opinion of travel, Pughs is more ambiguous; she is in favour of counter-urban (that is, rural) travel, but not urban travel. In the second stanza, You see precedes space, followed by a new line, suggesting that visitors to Birmingham struggle to find anything aesthetically worthwhile to comment on. Pugh then completes the sentence, with towns backsides which portrays the view of industrialised towns highly negatively, since the noun backside is usually associated with faeces. This evocative imagery makes the reader picture the forsaken state of the city, so they are more likely to align with Pughs disdainful view. The concept of physical journey is typical in many of Pughs poems, for example she includes Scandanavian proper nouns often in the collection, What a Place to Grow Flowers in the titles of such poems as Men growing flowers: Hveragerdi, Ingthor the chanter, The flute-playing at Skalholt and Going back to Hlidarendi and also refers to travel in the Earth Studies collection in such poems as After I came back from Iceland (When I got back to Heathrow) and Harbours (over the glittering road you should have gone to your true harbour). Disillusion with the aesthetically disappointing state of Britain during the highly-industrialised, Thatcher-run 80s influenced Pugh to travel abroad and write about the liberating effects of foreign journey, and her evocative language and simile such as how breathing was like drinking cold water encourages readers to travel abroad to enjoy these experiences. In In Mrs. Tilschers Class the number of travel-related ideas diminishes as the poem progresses, conveying, in her eyes, the lack of imagination and exploration the children in the poem face as they grow up. This links strongly to the theme of maturity.  Running parallel to the theme of physical journey is that of journey from innocence and youth to knowledge and maturity, which is explored in Religion 1, wherein the transition from nescience to knowledge is depicted through the subtle sexual reference of,  some thing / well-shaped; uncommon; fashioned to their liking. Needless to say, this is a reference to temptation in the Garden of Eden in the Genesis story of Adam and Eve, and the use of the nonspecific adverb some suggests lack of knowledge, which is antithetical to the subsequent knowledge they experience; the verb know (present in the subsequent poem in Selected Poems, History 1) can mean, in a Biblical sense, copulate, thus this is a subtle reference to sexual maturity a nd discovery. Unlike in many of her earlier works, predominantly those in Standing Female Nude such as Oppenheims Cup and Saucer and Girlfriends, Duffy similarly uses subtle references to sexual maturity in In Mrs. Tilschers Class in which she mentions inky tadpoles which can be interpreted as a metaphor for sperm cells, which resemble tadpoles. This symbolism conveys the growing childrens sexual maturity, and in the context of the poem which intends to paint a picture of every readers experience of growing up and school-life through use of the generic second-person pronoun, you, how sexual maturity is an integral part of growing up. Dissimilar to in Originally, this poem uses less enjambment and more full-stops and commas at the ends of lines; this is significant since the former poem is primarily about a literal journey, and the latter a figurative journey, therefore the diminished presence of enjambment suggests that growing up is a less smooth-flowing journey than relocation. This makes reader more likely to identify with this poem because everyone experiences adolescence but not everyone relocation, so Duffys work is more appreciated and, as has been mentioned, her social messages are reached by a wider audience.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Causes and Preconditions for the Industrial Revolution

Causes and Preconditions for the Industrial Revolution Historians may disagree on most aspects of the Industrial Revolution, but one thing they do agree on is that 18th-century Britain experienced a huge change in the economic field of goods, production and technology, and the social sphere (through urbanization and treatment of workers). The reasons for this change continue to fascinate historians, leading people to wonder if there was a set of preconditions present in Britain shortly before the Revolution which enabled or allowed it to take place. These preconditions tend to cover population, agriculture, industry, transport, trade, finance, and raw materials. Preconditions for Industrialization in Britain Circa 1750 Agriculture: As a supplier of raw materials, the agricultural sector was closely linked to the industrial; this was the main source of occupation for the British population. Half of the arable land had been enclosed, while half remained in the medieval open field system. The British agricultural economy produced a large surplus of food and drink and had been labeled the Granary of Europe because of its exports. However, production was labor-intensive. Although there had been some new crops introduced, and there were problems with underemployment. Consequently, people had multiple occupations. Industry: Most industries were small scale, domestic and local, but traditional industries could meet the domestic demands. There was some inter-regional trade, but this was limited by poor transport. The key industry was wool production, bringing in a substantial portion of Britain’s wealth, but this was coming under threat from cotton. Population: The nature of the British population has implications for the supply and demand for food and goods, as well as the supply of cheap labor. The population had increased in the earlier part of the 18th century, especially closer to the middle of the era, and was mostly located in rural areas. The people were gradually accepting of social change and the upper and middle classes were interested in new thinking in science, philosophy. and culture. Transport: Good transport links are seen as a basic requirement for the Industrial Revolution, as the transport of goods and raw materials were essential for reaching wider markets. Generally, in 1750, transport was limited to poor quality local roads - a few of which were turnpikes, toll roads which improved speed but added cost - rivers, and coastal traffic. While this system was limited, interregional trade did occur, such as coal from the north to London. Trade: This had developed during the first half of the 18th century both internally and externally, with a great deal of wealth coming from the triangle slave trade. The main market for British goods was Europe, and the government maintained a mercantilist policy to encourage it. Provincial ports had developed, such as Bristol and Liverpool. Finance: By 1750, Britain had begun to move towards capitalist institutions - which are considered part of the development of the Revolution. The produce of trade was creating a new, wealthy class prepared to invest in industries. Groups like the Quakers have also been identified as investing in areas which contributed to the industrial boom. Raw Materials: Britain had the raw resources necessary for a revolution in plentiful supply. Although they were being extracted in abundance, this was still limited by traditional methods. In addition, the related industries tended to be nearby because of poor transport links, exerting a pull on where industry occurred. Conclusions Britain in 1870 had the following which has all been stated as necessary for an Industrial Revolution: good mineral resources, growing population, wealth, spare land and food, ability to innovate, laissez-faire government policy, scientific interest, and trading opportunities. Around 1750, all of these began to develop simultaneously. The result was a massive change. Causes of the Revolution As well as the debate over preconditions, there has been a closely-related discussion over the causes of the revolution. A wide range of factors is generally considered to have worked together, including: The end of medieval structures changed economic relationships and allowed for change.A higher population because of less disease and lower infant mortality allows for a larger industrial workforce.The Agricultural Revolution frees people from the soil, allowing - or driving - them into cities and manufacturing.Proportionally large amounts of spare capital were available for investment.Inventions and the scientific revolution allowed for new technology to increase and cheapen production.Colonial trade networks allowed the import of materials and the export of manufactured goods.The presence of all the required resources close together, such as coal near iron.Culture of hard work, risk-taking, and the development of ideas.Demand for goods.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Smart City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Smart City - Essay Example identifies that majority of these individuals still live in slums (2011). Comparatively, although cities only occupy 2 to 3 percent of the total earth’s surface, they are responsible for about 75 percent of carbon secretions and 80 percent of the total energy consumption (Haftor, Mirijamdotter & Bradley, 2010). It is thus in this context that, to be livable in the future, cities require efficient urbanization plans with a huge emphasis placed on the concepts of sustainability, smart, and livability. Essentially, there are various factors which characterize and define Smart Cities. According to Sanseverino, these factors include smart economy, sustainability, smart mobility, economic development, smart people, a high quality of life and smart governance among others (2014). Thus, these factors are essential for the improvement of lives of individuals residing in cities. It is worth noting that these factors can be enhanced through the appropriate and effective use of infrastructure, Information Computer Technology (ICT), as well as social capital (Galbraith, 2014). As such, a Smart City creates an environment that not only presents the residents with numerous opportunities to be tapped, but also a broad range of actions and activities as embraced in its voluminous definitions. According to Giffinger, et al., a Smart City can be defined as â€Å"an innovative city† which makes use of ICTs and other strategies to increase urban competition, improve efficiency in the service s offered and improve the general quality of city life (2007). It is however worth noting that in order to achieve this, it is important to not only meet the needs of the present generation but also the future generations. Notably important, there are six important dimensions that are key to the creation of a Smart City. These dimensions can be identified as smart mobility, smart economy, smart people, smart environment, smart governance

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Philosophers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Philosophers - Research Paper Example According to Bennabi, religion is important if the equation Man + Soil + Time = Civilization(Benlahcene, 2013). He argued that Man was at the center of the process of civilization and that without him, the other elements would not hold. In line with verse 13:11 of the Quran, he also argued that to change the society, Muslims must first seek to change their spiritual condition. Bennabi’s philosophy was based on a deep understanding of Islam not just as a religion, but also as a civilization. He sought to philosophically explain the origins of the decline of Islam and propose solutions. His early life in a devout Islamic family had prepared him for such a mission. Ibn Khaldun is largely considered the most important philosopher and scholar in Muslim History(Rapoport, 2011). Ibn Khaldun was born to a wealthy family in 1332. He received a traditional education. His first teacher was his father, a scholar who avoided politics even though he came from a ruling family. Then, under different scholars, he memorized the Quran and learned Arabic grammar, Hadith, philology, rhetoric, jurisprudence and poetry. Ibn Khaldun pursued studies until the age of nineteen when a major plague struck the country. After the plague, Ibn Tafrakin, the ruler of Tunis, hired Khaldun as the seal bearer of the ruler’s captive, Sultan Abu lshaq. This appointment set the stage for Khaldun’s political career. In a work known as the Muqaddima, translated â€Å"The Introduction to History†, Khaldun offers a synthesis of the methodological and cultural knowledge that an effective historian must possess. In the book, he presents a cyclical model of how dynasties evolved in the ancient world (Rapoport, 2011). First, tribal ties were very strong and played an important role in the formation of new empires in the ancient Arab world. He posited that it was the

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Palm Oil Industry In Malaysia Economics Essay

The Palm Oil Industry In Malaysia Economics Essay INTRODUCTION Summary of Research Palm oil also known as Elaeis guineensis. Palm oil is derived from the pulp, and it can be found from African palm. There are so many uses of palm oil, such as edible oil, soaps, candles, cosmetic and chocolates. The colour of palm oil usually red colored, it is because of content of palm oil. The red coloured content with two types of carotene, there are à Ã‚ °-carotene and ÃŽÂ ²-carotene. a-carotene contents with 30mg per 100 g, and ÃŽÂ ²-carotene contents with 30mg together with Vitamin E. Usually ÃŽÂ ²-carotene already removed and become a pale oil. Three content of pale oil, saturated vegetable fats, mono-saturated and the last one is polyunsaturated. Besides that, other than red colored of palm oil, there are yellowish-white colors and also known as palm kernel oil. It can be use to make a margarine and cosmetics. 1.1.2 Palm Oil History Palm oil has been found in West African countries. This palm oil is good to make cooking oil. The uses of palm oil that been introduced by West African and has attracted the European merchants to make an international trade between this two country in order to purchased palm oil. Ashanti Empire or Ashanti Confederacy plants a large amount of oil palm trees, while the King of Kingdom of Dahomey forbid whoever person from cutting the palm oil trees. This uses of palm oil have been attracted the Britains Industrial. And the value of palm oil increased because of the demand from British Traders. Besides that, palm oil also can make soap, for example, Sunlight Soap and the Palmolive brand. A country such as Ghana and Nigeria becomes a primary export from West African but in year 1880 this export of palm oil was overtaken by cocoa. 1.1.3 Research of palm oil in Malaysia. Research and development (RD) began to expand the oil palm breeding in 1960s. This activities implemented after the establishing the Malaysias Department of Agriculture. The government also provided a college to train society how to plant palm oil. For example, the government established Kolej Serdang and now become Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM). This university encouraged the graduates student to conduct research related to the palm oil. Malaysia. In year 1979, government established Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). This institute support from UPM and B.C Sekhar as a founder and chairperson also support Porim to be a coordinated institution. Porim also giving the opportunities to society especially the scientist to do RD related to the uses of palm oil. In year 2000, Porim changed to Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). Nowadays MPOB become well known at the international country. 1.1.4 Bright future of palm oil in Malaysia Few years ago, the income from palm oil production has become the big contribution to Malaysias Economy. Because of the income gain from palm oil, many palm oil companies can give the employee bonuses every year. Besides that, oil palm shareholders also get the benefit of selling the palm oil. Industry of palm oil said that, the price of palm oil will maintain every year depends on the economic condition. Because of production of palm oil has contributed to Malaysias economy, the changes of palm oil prices in Malaysia always published in newspapers. It is good for rural area, because rural areas are the biggest hectares in palm oil plantation. As we know, price of palm oil influenced by the production of palm oil, import and export, and then global economic condition. If the global economic become more slowdown, it will the major fact that the importer will less confident to the production of the palm oil in our country. If the prices of palm oil decrease, we can replant back the palm and reducing supply. This can help the prices of palm oil increase back. Besides that, nowadays, many new developments in technologies also can increases the production of palm oil. 1.2 Problem Statement Price of palm oil always fluctuated depends 4 factors. The 4 factors are production of palm oil, export of palm oil, consumption of palm oil, and land area in plantation of palm oil. The problem of this research is difficult to seek the data in internet. To find this data, we must find it at statistic department besides of UMS. 1.3 Research objective This research has an objective that to find a factor that influence the price of palm oil in Malaysian palm oil market. After find the factor, we must find the relationship between this four factors to the prices of palm oil. to find this relationship, we must test it one by one using econometric. 1.4 Significance of the research Researcher This research suitable for the researchers who wants to gain knowledge and information about palm oil in Malaysia. All this information gather from internet, journal, and by result from E-Views. So all society especially researcher will gain knowledge on the study about determinant of the price of palm oil in Malaysia. Palm Oil Industry The palm oil companies also can get benefit from this research by knowing the factor that will influence the price of palm oil respectively. If palm oil companies already knew what the factor can influence the price of palm oil, the palm oil companies increased the export of palm oil and our country also can get higher income because of the production of palm oil. Labor Study Labor can know what are the big factor that can influence the price of palm oil, and then can their can increase performance in terms of work quality and many more. 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the study The scope of this study is around Malaysia and the data collected on production of palm oil, export of palm oil, consumption of palm oil, and plantation of palm oil in land area (hectares). This data from year 1980 to 2009, involved 29 years. The data for 2010 also hard to find because year 2010 is not finished yet. So the data for 2010 is not stated yet. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW The previous study has been made to understand the impact of palm oil based-biodiesel demand on palm oil prices (Ramli; Roslan and Ayatollah, K 2007). Nowadays biodiesel has become an important fuel to our society. It is because of the growing concern for the environment. Demand for the biodiesel has become higher, and that effect to the amount of palm oil that we can get in the market that putting its prices increased sharply since July 2006. That days, the prices of palm oil influenced by the stock, supply, production. From July 2006 onwards, biofuel become a serious fuel of his renewable production. Biodiesel mainly from palm has increased the demand and altered the economics of palm oil. This study using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). This method has been proven to forecast from July 2006 to end 2007 to forecast the prices of palm oil. Supporting to this journal, the prices of petroleum and vegetable oil down to be moving slowly together. (Anna Awad, Fatimah, 2009). This previous studies have been made to find the long term relationship the prices of crude oil and vegetable oil. They were using the Engle-Granger two-stage to do the method. This study use data over the period from January 1983 to March 2008. The two products show the result of the strong evidence of a long relationship. Began in the 1970s until 21 century, the price for all commodities increased between January 2000 and March 2008. The increased of the prices caused by the increased petroleum price more than 300%, while food prices increased 107% during the same period and vegetables oil increased of 192%. Besides that,(Mohd Nasir, 2003) said that Malaysia is the largest producer and Indonesia is the second largest producer. This two country is the exporter where they contribute 89.6% of palm oil trade in the world and 83.5 % of production. They also export crude palm oil (CPO) and other than that processed palm oil (PPO). The Malaysia exporting quantities of CPO increased from 0.4 million tones to 1.3 million tones in 2000 and 2001, followed by exports of Indonesian CPO increased from 1.8 to 2.0 million tones. Both countries also contributed PPO which is the larger share of palm products. CPO and PPO in Malaysian were lower than Indonesia in 2001 and 2002. Both countries products imposed by the tariffs with the objectives initially raising revenue. For example, in Malaysia is to encouraging down stream while for Indonesia it reflected to consumer down. Both countries have been imposed taxes on export, and there is a difference way the exports duty payable. (Ahmad Borhan and Mohd Arif, 2009) said that the prices of palm oil and it comprises crude palm oil and processed palm oil is a strong indicator of the level of palm oil stock. The stock of palm oil has been hovered around 1 million tones. With this amount, the volume has become the psychological which prices tend to be increased and decreased. The end of stock fully depends on the export of palm oil and its production. While local usage and import play smaller roles. The Malaysian palm oil industry has estimated that 1.8 million tones could become the new level of palm oil stock. But it all depends on change in the demand and supply factors. (James, 2008) said that the prices of crude palm oil (CPO) has a strong relationship with stock according to the conventional economics. The economics of oils and fats had changed in the last two years, that cause both prices and rising in tandem according to traditional economic theory. Because of created the new role played by biodiesel, the strong signs of a linkages also created. The palm oil prices should take into one account of two factors, the petroleum price and the amount of oil stocks. The price band can determines by prices of petroleum. While the stocks can show high or low palm oil prices. Malaysias economic development has indeed been impressive by the contribution of the palm oil industry. (Sabri, Salmiah,Faizah and Nik Abdullah, 2008). It also changing the market trends and rapid development and has continued to pose challenge. The development of oil and fats industry are provides and has undergone in terms of world balance. In the previous journal, (Mohd Basri, Mohd Arif, and Jamil, 2008) long time ago, the prices of palm oil have been increased, especially to the supply and demand of fats and oil. But since mid 2006, spikes have become more sustained. Besides that, spikes also been attributed to the supply and demand of edible oils and fats and also to the increasing demand for the fuel. Because of the increased of palm oil, the demand curve shifted to the right. The prices of oils have been increased slightly. (Ayat K Faizah, Ramli Abdullah and Nurul Hufaidah, 2007) study on how to examines volatility spill over. The study focus on between the domestic prices of palm oil and what major factor to the prices volatility. From the research, palm oil has moderate price volatility. And effort should be made to sustained the price of crude palm oil (CPO) to minimize volatility in other prices caused of the prices of (CPO) become a price leader among the other palm oil products. There was a model to develop to forecast prices of palm oil products in domestic. (Ramli and Mohd Alias, 2006). Malaysia also known the worlds biggest exporter of the palm oil and associated with palm oil. Because of the largest exporter the world, it become important for the country to lead the commoditys production and its price and can be used to determine the country revenue or in process of decision making. The objective of this paper is to analyses them econometrically and to forecast. The paper forecast that in the future, the production of palm oil can increased. By 2020, the production of palm oil can reach 22 million tones. Prices of palm oil also can fluctuate but in the future, its amount of prices increasing gradually. (Basri; Mohd Fauzi; Mohd Noor Mamat and Rosli, 2007) analyses the impact of lifting the export tax on Malaysian crude palm oil. Firstly, the equation is developed, especially on processed palm oil (PPO) and crude palm oil (CPO). The study comes out with the conceptual model of the Malaysian palm oil market model, such as the palm oil supply, oil palm area, imports and exports of palm oil products, domestic consumption, domestic price relationship and stocks According to (Ahmad Borhan, Faizah, Mohd Arif, Norhanani, 2006), said that oilmeals, such as Soyabean meal (SBM) especially an animal feed competes with Malaysian palm kernel expeller (PKE). The competition exists among this two company because of the competitive price. The increasing production also will affect the condition of Malaysian PKE. Future development of the Malaysian PKE depends to world livestock market. (Ahmad Borhan, Mohd Noor, Mohd Arif, Norhanani, 2007) said that, the commodity trade will effected by the local demand and also become the risk to the physical commodity. The forecasting method need to apply to forecast the price of palm oil in the future. Hedging can be improved by using the expected trends. The behavior of crude palm oil (CPO) can be determined by doing this work. This work also compared the forecasting CPO in Malaysia. It was introduced in 1980 and become the price discovery for hedging in pegged the prices. Good based can be determine by processing of price discovery especially on its demand and supply. Through arbitrage, the future price of palm oil is realized in terms of aggregate level. (Fatimah, etal, 1994) using Box Jenkins technique, forecasting method, can predict the palm oil futures prices whether to perform better or not. According to (Faizah, Ayat K, Mohd Nasir, 2006) fluctuate export markets and prices due to the current economic. Because of this, government giving full attention the price of export demand. The good demanded will be present by the price elasticity of demanded. Besides that, the demand for exports can predict by looking for export demand elasticity. Malaysian becomes largest share in the export and this export elasticity is important to estimates in order to maintain the production of palm oil. Only the changes of the prices of palm oil will have a big effect to the export of palm oil. Recently, the edible oils and fats has become substitutability products. Malaysian palm oil can be influence by the number of factor, and its the most important to structure the international market. Palm oil prices will compete with other, for example edible oils and make the palm oil prices significant. It was said by (A B, Ma, Chow, H Hamdan, Choo, 2006) every country depends on the energy and this energy becomes a key factor to country to develop in the future. Oil palm industry has been build factory to generate steam and from electricity. In our country, there were 395 factories that processing 84 million tones fruit in year 2005. (Yusof, Mohd Arif, 2005) found that, palm oil such as an export oriented commodity is not easy to predict in the future. It involves investigating the past performance of the palm oil. They make an overview about the palm oil industry, about the background, recently and in the future development. Long time ago, production of palm oil is lowest among the soyabean oil and animal oils. But, recently the production of palm oil is the number two in our country and the production exceed 29 million tones follow by soyabean oil and animal oils. It is expected that palm oil production can reach 37.15 million tonnes in 2020. This production of palm oil will contribute to world oils. Malaysia become the largest producer in the world and try to maintain the position in producing 42% tonnes to the world demand of palm oil. Conceptual Framework Independent variable Dependent var. Factor/supporting Price of palm oil Relationship Production (supply) Export Consumption Land area (Hectares) Independent variable There are 4 factors that influence the price of palm oil. There are production (supply), export, consumption and land area in hectares. This independent variable also can support the price of palm oil. Production can influences the prices of palm oil by the supply in the market, the more supply in the market, the more it can influences the prices of palm oil. It means that, if the supply exceeds the demand of the market, many unit of production are waste because of the demand not equal to the unit of production in the market. So to increase the demand in the market, firm can reduces prices of the production in order to attract the demand of the market. Low prices of the production can increased the demand of the production in the market. Export also can influences the prices of palm oil in the market by having a export more than import in the market can make a country deficit in terms of profit. Same like production, but export trade in other country and make an international business in order to gain profit. If have much demand in palm oil from other country, it means that, we should export more to achieved the demand from other country. From this situation, our country can take advantages to increase the prices of palm oil respectively. Consumption also can influences the prices of palm oil. It depends on how the consumer fully utilized the use of palm oil. If the consumer already knew the use of the palm oil, easy to them to know how important the palm oil in our society. Because of that, the consumer will ask for the palm oil and directly increased the demand for palm oil. Other than that, land area of plantation also can influences the prices of palm oil. If we plant more trees of palm oil in land, we are producing more palm oil in the market. If the supply of the palm oil in the market exceed than demand, than many surplus to that product. So to overcome this problem, firm must reduced the prices of palm oil to attract consumer to buy the palm oil. But it is good to the firm if the demand more than supply, then the firm can increased the price of palm oil in order to gain profit. Dependent variable The price of palm oil is depending to this four factor, this four factor can influences the prices of palm oil whether wants to increased or decreased. CHAPTER THREE DATA AND METHODOLOGY LEAST SQUARE METHOD (SINGLE REGRESSION) and (MULTIPLE REGRESSION) The framework developed in this study is drawn both from econometric method (which is based on the economic theory) and the system dynamics approach. This section discusses the econometric model using least square method. Its to correlate and examine the relationships among dependent variable and independent variable. It is a economic theory form with statistical methods. Factor determinants of prices of palm oil in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). consists of 4 factor that influence the price of palm oil, there are production (supply), export in tones, consumption of palm oil and land area of plantation of palm oil in hectares. The first step is finding time series data from 1980 to 2009, which influence the price of palm oil to make a research and then describe it according to the econometric model. To regress the econometric model we must use the data which influence the prices of palm oil. So this 4 factor is the important data to make a research. After regress, we can identify relationship between dependent and independent variables. These 4 factor also known as independent variable and price of palm oil also known as dependent variable which price of palm oil depend on this 4 independent variable whether to increase or decrease. The prices of palm always fluctuate depend on this 4 independent variable. To test this independent variable had a relationship between prices or not, the econometric model by using least square method use to test one by one of this independent variable whether this independent variable has a relationship between dependent variable. But before regress, we must test the variable using unit root test to make sure the probability below 0.05. This is because, we must make all variable significant before regress the data and know what difference we should use before regress data. After that, we log the data to make all data less problem in autocorrelation and less problem in multicollinearity. After test this econometric model, we look to the T-statistics, R-squared, Durbin-Watson stat. if t- stat are less than 2, this means that there is no relationship between independent variable and dependent variable and also known as is not significant. If more than 2, there is a relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. After test one by one, we should regress all dependent variable using multiple regress because of explanatory variable is more than one to check whether all independent variable significant or not. 3.1.1 Collecting of Data Primary Data Using the previous journal and summarize that journal to give the information about this research. CHAPTER 4 4.1 RESULT AND FINDINGS Unit root test Unit root test of price of palm oil using first difference to make the data stationary. Null Hypothesis: D(PRICE) has a unit root Exogenous: Constant Lag Length: 4 (Automatic based on AIC, maxlag=7) t-Statistic   Ã‚  Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.998437   0.0493 Test critical values: 1% level -3.737853 5% level -2.991878 10% level -2.635542 Graph of Price Explanation. As we can see graph above, the price of palm oil is fluctuated, but recently, the prices of palm oil increased and then drop back. Unit root test of production using first difference to make the data stationary Null Hypothesis: D(PDC) has a unit root Exogenous: Constant Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on AIC, maxlag=5) t-Statistic   Ã‚  Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -3.998301   0.0047 Test critical values: 1% level -3.689194 5% level -2.971853 10% level -2.625121 Graph of Production Explanation. The production of palm oil in our country decreased every year because of other competition from Indonesia. Our country compete with Indonesia in terms of production because last time Indonesia is a second largest producer in the world and recently, Indonesia already becomes the world largest producer in the world follow by Malaysia. So our country production of palm oil decreased because of world demand has two choices to import the palm oil. Unit root test of land using first difference to make the data stationary Null Hypothesis: D(LAND) has a unit root Exogenous: Constant Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on AIC, maxlag=7) t-Statistic   Ã‚  Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -4.664706   0.0009 Test critical values: 1% level -3.689194 5% level -2.971853 10% level -2.625121 Graph of Land Explanation. The hectares of land in our country also increased year by year because of people already know that plant palm oil can make bulk of profit to them. Besides that, the planters increased the hectares of plantation because government enhances them to plant the palm oil by giving them awareness and so on. Unit root test of export using first difference to make the data stationary Null Hypothesis: D(EXP01) has a unit root Exogenous: Constant Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on AIC, maxlag=3) t-Statistic   Ã‚  Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -3.609207   0.0121 Test critical values: 1% level -3.689194 5% level -2.971853 10% level -2.625121 Graph of Export Explanation. Our export in our country also decreased year by year, it is related to our production in our country. This is because of Indonesia also export the palm oil in the world. So the world demand has two choices whether wants to import from Indonesia or our country. Unit root test of consumption using first difference to make the data stationary Null Hypothesis: D(CNSPTN) has a unit root Exogenous: Constant Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on AIC, maxlag=7) t-Statistic   Ã‚  Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -4.569870   0.0011 Test critical values: 1% level -3.689194 5% level -2.971853 10% level -2.625121 Graph of Consumption Explanation. Our consumption in our country also decreased in our country. Single regression Least square method-POPt=+bX Between dependent variable and independent variable Variable C Std-error T-stat R-Squared DW-stat Prob D1LNPROD 0.329321 0.177300 1.85 0.113301 1.751273 0.0742 D1LNEXP 0.855506 0.254039 3.36 0.295760 1.816493 0.0023 D1LNCONS 0.171866 0.270477 0.63 0.021939 1.704933 0.5332 D1LNLAREA 0.097365 0.389766 0.24 0.678609 0.571303 0.8046 TABLE ONE Analysis of data: Used e-view to regress and estimation using Ordinary least square based on dependent variable and independent variables from the data collected. Before regress the data, must do the unit root test to make sure the data stationary or not, after that log the data to reduce the problem of autocorrelation and multicollinearity. Then use first difference method because it is already mention in unit root test to check using first difference method. List of Equation PPOt=price of palm oil in the market PROD=production of palm oil(supply) EXP=export of palm oil to the world demand (tones) CONS=consumption of palm oil in this market L.AREA=landarea of palm oil plantation in Malaysia (hectares) Result of regression between POPt and PROD Dependent variable: POPt and Independent variable: PROD POPt=0.054234+0.329321t The coefficient above shows that the relationship between price and production of palm oil is positive relationship. It means that, 1 unit increased of production of palm will lead to increase price of palm oil by 0.329321. t-statistic=1.85 Reject Ho, because there is no significant relationship between price and production because t-statistic shows that it is significant and below 2. So production cannot influence the price of palm oil respectively. R-Squared =0.113301 Explanation. There are 11.33% of the changes in the dependent variables. Only independent variable can explain the dependent variable. 88.67% cannot be explained by the regression analysis due to some omission of independent variables. In other words, this R-squared show the weak relationship between dependent variable (price) and independent variable (production). Its mean that, when independent variable change 1%, dependent variable will change by 11.33%. So, we can concluded that independent variable and dependent variable has a weak relationship because of the R-Squared is low. Std-error=0.177300 Explanation. The smaller the value of SEE, the closer the data points/actual points to the regression line. DW-statistics=1.751273 Explanation. There is a less problem in auto-correlation because DW shows value almost than value 2. If the value of DW shows above 2, means that there is no problem in autocorrelation Probability=0.0742 Explanation. The variable is significant at 0.05 (5%) significant level or 95% confidence level. If the probability is less than 0.05, it means that 95% confidence interval accepted and there is a relationship between dependent variable and independent variable. The independent variable for the production is 0.0742. This production of palm oil (supply) cannot influence the price of palm oil. Its because if the production is too many in the market, the price of palm oil will not effect because society only concern for the basic needs such as shelter, food and society not concern for the production of palm oil. Same like if the production of palm oil is low, it will not influence the price of palm oil because society not really wants the uses of palm oil. Result of regression between POPt and EXP Dependent variable: POPt and Independent variable: EXP POPt=0.063604+0.855506t The coefficient above show the positive relationship between price and export. It means that, 1 unit increased export of palm oil will lead to increase price of palm oil by 0.855506 t-statistic=3.36 Also accept Ho, because there also a relationship between price and export because t-statistic shows that it is significant and above 2. So export also can influence the price of palm oil respectively. R-Squared=0.295790 Explanation. There are 29.57% of the changes in the dependent variables. Only the independent variable can explained the dependent variable. 70.43% cannot be explained by the regression analysis due to some omission of independent variables. R-squared show the weak relationship between dependent variable (price) and independent variable (export). It can be explained when independent variable change 1%, dependent variable also will change by 29.57%. we can concluded that independent variable and dependent variable has a weak relationship because of the value of R-squared is low. Std-error=0.254039 Explanation. The smaller the value of SEE, the closer the data points/actual points to the regression line. DW-statistics=1.816493 Explanation. There is a little bit problems in auto correlation because DW shows value almost 2. Probability=0.0023 Explanation. The variable is significant at 0.05 (5%) significant level or 95% confidence level. If the probability less than 0.05, it means that 95% confidence interval accepted and there is a relationship among dependent variable and independent variable. The independent variable for the export is 0.0023 and this export of palm oil (supply) can influence the price of palm oil. The price of palm oil will influence if the export more than demand from other country. This kind of scenario happened because its good to decrease price of palm oil to the trading country, so that the trading country can buy with cheapest price. But if the export less than demand from other country, it will influence the price of palm oil, because our country can sell with high price in order to get more profit from other country. It happen when the shortage of the production and demand will keep increasing every year and the export are limited. Result of regression between POPt and CONS Dependent variable: POPt and I

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Brand Awareness Essay

Extent to which a brand is recognized by potential customers, and is correctly associated with a particular product Expressed usually as a percentage of target market, brand awareness is the primary goal of advertising in the early months or years of a product’s introduction.( Noel. K, Francoise. R. 1995), Brand awareness, In general, means the extent to which a brand associated with a particular product is documented by potential and existing customers either positively or negatively. Creation of brand awareness is the primary goal of advertising at the beginning of any product’s life cycle in target markets. In fact, brand awareness has influence on buying behavior of a buyer. (Noel. K, Francoise. R. 1995), Brand awareness can be measured by showing a consumer the brand and asking whether or not they knew of it beforehand. However, in common market research practice a variety of recognition and recall measures of brand awareness are employed all of which test the brand name’s association to a product category cue, this came about because most market research in the 20th Century was conducted by post or telephone, actually showing the brand to consumers usually required more expensive face-to-face interviews (until web-based interviews became possible). (Noel. K, Francoise. R. 1995), this has led many textbooks to conceptualize brand awareness simply as its measures, that is, knowledge that the brand is a member of a particular product category, e.g. soft-drinks. Examples of such measures include: Brand recognition – Either the brand name or both the brand name and category name are presented to respondents. Brand recall – the product category name is given to respondents who are asked to recall as many brands as possible that are members of the category. ï‚ §Top of mind awareness – as above, but only the first brand recalled is recorded (also known as spontaneous brand recall). There has been discussion in industry and practice about the meaning and value of various brand awareness metrics. Recently, an empirical study appeared to put this debate to rest by suggesting that all awareness metrics were systematically related, simply reflecting their difficulty, in the same way that certain questions are more difficult in academic exams (Robert W. P. 1971), Brand recall Brand Recall is the extent to which a brand name is recalled as a member of a brand, product or service class, as distinct from brand recognition. Common market research usage is that pure brand recall requires â€Å"unaided recall†. For example a respondent may be asked to recall the names of any cars he may know, or any whisky brands he may know. Some researchers divide recall into both â€Å"unaided† and â€Å"aided† recall. â€Å"Aided recall† measures the extent to which a brand name is remembered when the actual brand name is prompted. An example of such a question is â€Å"Do you know of the â€Å"Honda† brand?† In terms of brand exposure, companies want to look for high levels of unaided recall in relation to their competitors. The first recalled brand name (often called â€Å"top of mind†) has a distinct competitive advantage in brand space, as it has the first chance of evaluation for purchase. (Jonathan, 1982) Brand Recognition Brand Recognition is the extent to which a brand is recognized for stated brand attributes or communications In some cases brand recognition is defined as aided recall – and as a subset of brand recall. In the case, brand recognition is the extent to which a brand name is recognized when prompted with the actual name. A broader view of brand recognition is the extent to which a brand is recognized within a product class for certain attributes. Logo and tagline testing can be seen as a form of brand recognition testing. For example, if a product name can be associated with a certain tagline, logo or attribute (safety and Volvo; â€Å"Just do it† – Nike) a certain level of brand recognition is present. (Jonathan, 1982) What Does Brand Awareness Mean? The likelihood that consumers recognize the existence and availability of a company’s product or service Creating brand awareness is one of the key steps in promoting a product. Investopedia explains Brand Awareness Brand awareness is an important way of promoting commodity-related products. This is because for these products, there are very few factors that differentiate one product from its competitors. Therefore, the product that maintains the highest brand awareness compared to its competitors will usually get the most sales. For example, in the soft drink industry, very little separates a generic soda from a brand-name soda, in terms of taste. However, consumers are very aware of the brands Pepsi and Coca Cola, in terms of their images and names. This higher rate of brand awareness equates to higher sales and also serves as an economic moat that prevents competitors from gaining more market share. Definition: A gauge of marketing effectiveness measured by the ability of a customer to recognize and/or recall a name, image or other mark associated with a particular brand. Examples: In today’s most competitive atmosphere, it is critical for retailers to maintain and build on their brand awareness, as well as reinforce the value proposition of their market. (Barnard. N, 1997) 7 Ways to Build Brand Awareness To some, branding might not feel like a tangible aspect of running a business. It can’t be seen like a product on the shelf, or counted like a cash drawer at the end of the night. But, branding is the reason people pay three times more for a product at one store over another. (Houston 1992), Good branding is the product of a clear vision, and nobody knows more about vision than small business owners. But, with limited resources, creating a brand identity can be tricky. Fortunately, building brand awareness on the Internet doesn’t need to take a lot of money or resources. Here are seven strategies to build your business brand: Define the vision. Before moving ahead with the web site, create a brand positioning statement. â€Å"This isn’t just, ‘What kind of web site do we want to be?’ This is ‘Who are we?’† says Harley Manning, vice president at Forrester Research in Cambridge, Mass., a technology and market research firm that advises on the effects technology has on consumers and businesses. Good brand statements typically include the company’s mission, vision and values. â€Å"It’s succinct. It’s typically something that will fit on a page easily,† he says. Build a brand worth believing in. â€Å"Do you so believe in what you’re creating that you would trademark it?† says Andrea Fitch, (president and CEO of Red Carpet Creations, Inc., and national president of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, both based out of Alexandria), Va. Really consider what kind of brand could represent the business through the next d ecade. â€Å"Don’t have a logo that in five years you’re going to be tired of and discard for another,† she says. Remember, the web site is the brand. â€Å"A web site is not just a communication medium,† Manning says. â€Å"It is actually a channel that must deliver on the promise.† Essentially, a web site should embody the promise that it makes to customers. If, for instance, a business claims to be innovative, the web site should look fresh and modern. Create a cohesive experience between all mediums. Before she launched her company’s new web site, Fitch made sure it would be an event that her potential clients would never forget. Red Carpet Creations mailed 4,000 silver tubes containing scrolls that looked like rolled-up carpet. Inside the scrolls was an announcement about the web site’s launch. Once online, the web site was an extension of the invitations because it followed through on the themes of red carpet imagery and references to visitors being treated like a VIP. Customers should easily be able to recognize the company’s brand, whether it is print, online or some other form of media, Manning says. Don’t sacrifice creativity. Once the brand’s guidelines are established, creative choices must bring those attributes to life, Manning says. Don’t let the company’s brand become so dominating that there is no room for new thoughts and ideas. Brand should be the jumping-off point for interesting ideas, not the place where every new idea dead-ends. Fitch stresses that a sense of fun and whimsy will only enhance the likelihood that people will take an interest in the web site. Don’t communicate brand at the expense of delivering. While a web site can be a significant tool for building brand awareness, clarity and functionality are paramount. â€Å"Just be careful not to let the communication about your brand get in the way of delivering your message,† Manning says. People should be able to understand how to navigate the site without knowing a thing about the company’s catch phrases. â€Å"You can’t frustrate and annoy people into liking your brand (Houston, 1992), Listen to the customers: They determine a brand’s true value. Pay attention to customer feedback about the site because, ultimately, it’s the customers’ opinion that counts. When it comes to building a brand, a company can incorporate everything from signature colors to catch phrases, but at the end of the day, it’s the consumer who decides what a brand is really worth. â€Å"It’s not what you say [about] yourself, it’s what others say of you, How do consumers make decisions? This question is at the core of much of marketing examination over the past 60 or 70 years. As marketers manipulate the various principles of marketing, so do the consumers they seek to reach-choosing which products and services to buy, and which not to buy, choosing which brands to use, and which brands to ignore. The focus of this paper is to examine the major decision-making mo dels, strategies, and theories that underlie the decision processes used by consumers and to provide some clarity for marketing executives attempting to find the right mix of variables for their products and services. Three Decision-Making Models Early economists, led by Nicholas Bernoulli, John von Neumann, and Oskar Morgenstern, puzzled over this question. Beginning about 300 years ago, Bernoulli developed the first formal explanation of consumer decision making. It was later extended by von Neumann and Morgenstern and called the Utility Theory. This theory proposed that consumers make decisions based on the expected outcomes of their decisions. In this model consumers were viewed as rational actors who were able to estimate the probabilistic outcomes of uncertain decisions and select the outcome which maximized their well-being. However, as one might expect, consumers are typically not completely rational, or consistent, or even aware of the various elements that enter into their decision making. In addition, though consumers are good at estimating relative frequencies of events, they typically have difficulty translating these frequencies into probabilities. This Utility model, even though it had been viewed as the domina nt decision-making paradigm, had serious shortcomings that could not be explained by the model. (Herbert S, 1950) proposed an alternative, simpler model. This model was called Satisficing, in which consumers got approximately where they wanted to go and then stopped the decision-making process. An example of this would be in the search for a new apartment. Under the Utility theory, consumers would evaluate every apartment in a market, form a linear equation based on all the pertinent variables, and then select the apartment that had the highest overall utility score. With Satisficing, however, consumers might just evaluate apartments within a certain distance to their desired location, stopping when they found one that was â€Å"good enough.† This theory, though robust enough to encompass many of the shortcomings of Utility Theory, still left significant room for improvement in the area of prediction. After all, if a marketing executive can’t predict consumer behavior, then what use is a decision-making paradigm? Simon and others have extended this area in the investigation of the field of bounded rationality. Following Simon, additional efforts were made to develop better understandings of consumer decision making, extending beyond the mathematical optimization of Utility Theory and the somewhat unsatisfying Satisficing Theory. In the late 1970s, two leading psychologists, Daniel. K and Amos. T, developed Prospect Theory, which expanded upon both Utility Theory and Satisficing Theory to develop a new theory that encompassed the best aspects of each, while solving many of the problems that each presented. Two major elements that were added by Kahneman and Tversky were the concepts of value (replacing the utility found in Utility Theory) and endowment, in which an item is more precious if one owns it than if someone else, owns it. Value provided a reference point and evaluated both gains and losses from that reference point. Additionally, gains and losses have a marginally decreasing increase from the reference point. For example, there is a much greater value for the first incremental gain from the reference point than for subsequent gains.